[nagdu] people who persist in petting
Julie J.
julielj at neb.rr.com
Mon Feb 25 12:52:33 UTC 2013
I rarely get drive by petters either. Like Consuelo, I too get people
who think Monty is a police dog. I work in the courthouse which also
houses the sheriff's department. They have a drug sniffing dog, a lab I
think. I can understand where they might think Monty is a police dog too.
I went to parent teacher conferences a couple of weeks ago. There was a
little kid who didn't ask to pet and insisted that Monty was going to be
petted. The kid would reach to pet, Monty would take a step back. Then
the kid would step up and reach and Monty would take another step back.
This repeated three or four times until I finally told the kid "the dog
doesn't want to be petted. that is why he keeps backing up." Then the
kid says, "he's not like my dog." I get this quite a bit and it always
leaves me scratching my head. I'm not sure why anyone thinks all dogs
are just like theirs at home or that all dogs would enjoy the same things.
Usually I stop unwanted petting very quickly, but every now and then I
let it go to give Monty the practice of dealing with it. I'm not always
able to tell so it's good for him to be able to deal on his own.
On 2/25/2013 6:39 AM, consuelo johnson wrote:
> I don't really have that problem to much, because I'm working a davenman
> pitcher, but when I had my gsd people did approach us to much because that
> thought that she was a police dog. Have you try using a sign to let people
> know not to pet your dog. You can purchase these sign from gdui or some
> school offer them for their graduates.
> Consuelo and zoey
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Tina Thomas
> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 12:05 AM
> To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] people who persist in petting
> Hello Dar- I too am not polite at a down curb or in the street. I guess one
> good thing about having a GSD is that people are not just coming up and
> trying to pet my dog.
> Tina and the girls
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of d m gina
> Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 6:09 PM
> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] people who persist in petting
> In the street I will not be polite.
> I don't have time to explain when I need to find the other curb.
> I like the last part you shared
> My dog isn't here for you to play with.
> to that effect anyway.
> When your friend starts to pet the dog in school, I would turn around and
> walk away.
> Even if you are at the rite place to be.
> Just a thought.
> Original message:
>> Hi guys.
>> I'm curious. What do you all do when people persist in petting your
>> dog. I do not allow people to pet Brie, and generally, this is not a
>> problem. I just tell whoever is asking (or petting anyway) that she
>> is working, which means I do not allow people to pet her. I can
>> usually leave it at that. But there are a few people who I see at
>> church and school who say things like "I know. I'm going to pet
>> anyway." In fact, one of those lovely people decided to pet Brie
>> while we were crossing the street.
>> I don't want to be rude and create a problem, but I'm not sure how to
>> tell them in a polite way that I don't want them petting my dog. I am
>> also not sure if they would even listen at that point. Part of me
>> also wonders if it's even a problem, since Brie doesn't generally get
>> distracted by this. She only gets distracted by people she knows, and
>> those people know better. What do you guys do? I know I'm kind of
>> obnoxious when it comes to people petting my dog, but when she is
>> working, she is my mobility tool, not a dog on display for others to
>> play with.
>> --
>> Julie McG
>> National Association of Guide dog Users board member, National
>> Federation of the Blind performing arts division secretary, Missouri
>> Association of Guide dog Users President, and Guiding Eyes for the
>> Blind graduate 2008 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only
>> Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have
>> eternal life."
>> John 3:16
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> --
> --Dar
> skype: dmgina23
> FB: dmgina
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> every saint has a past
> every sinner has a future
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