[nagdu] greetings. access issue

Criminal Justice Major Extraordinaire orleans24 at comcast.net
Tue Jul 30 04:36:39 UTC 2013

Hi, Jeff,
Welcome to the list.
By law, the gymnasium has to allow your dog to enter with you.
Failre and violation of the ADA by the manager of that facility will result a $100000.00 fine, depending on the state you live in and a possible lawsuit.
Each individual handles their situation differently.
You can mention your guide dog or just let it be.
As for the other person that is allergict to dogs, they can get an allergy shot and there's other med treatments out there.
I have a friend who is allergict to dogs, but she chose to just deal with getting the allergy shot yearly upon continuing to work with a guide dog.
While you are in training class at Pilot Dogs, your instructor will go over everything you need to know and yes, definitely ask questions.
Truth is that I don't know who the individual you are speaking of really has allergies or is using that to make an excuse to see if he/she can avoid a service dog.
Just because they had a bad experience with one working dog doesn't mean that it will happen again.
It's up to us handlers to be sure our dogs behave upon making sure we stick with the training that w'ere taught during class.
P.S. Congrads on your class date wit Pilot Dogs and look forward to reading of your training adventures.
Also, you're welcome to email me off list at any time:
orleans24 at comcast.net
There are some other Pilot Dogs grads on list who could answer your questions too.
Best wishes and good luck.
Bibi and son Odie
retired Pilot Dogs guide dog
now a medical alert service dog

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