[nagdu] Conference Call, Monday, March 11, 2013

Margo and Arrow margo.downey at verizon.net
Wed Mar 6 02:32:32 UTC 2013

The New York Association of Guide Dog Users, a Division of the National 
Association of Guide Dog Users, National Federation of the Blind, is 
proud to present our third conference call.

Date: Monday, March 11, 2013
Time: 7:30 p.m.

The conference call will last approximately one hour. You don't have to 
live in New York to call in.

Our presenter this month is Julie Phillipson, Secretary-Treasurer of 
our Division. Julie wears many hats. The hat she'll be wearing for this 
call has to do with her work to make sure that first responders are 
trained to deal effectively and respectfully with people with 
disabilities. She has done extensive research on topics such as first 
responders and service animals and also disaster preparedness and 
service animals. Julie has a lot of information and thoughts to share 
with us and she welcomes our information, thoughts and feedback. Just 
in case someone needs a general explanation of "first responder", a 
first esponder could be a police person, a firefighter, an emergency 
medical technician, and am sure many others fall into this category.

So, we look forward to being with you all on the call. To join us on 
Monday, March 11 at 7:30 p.m., follow these instructions:

Dial 712-432-6453. Press pound at the welcome message prompt. At the 
main menu, press 1 for live chat rooms. When prompted, enter the code 
692438 and then press pound. 692438 spells nyagdu.

Margo Downey, President, New York Association of Guide Dog Users, 
National Federation of the Blind

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