[nagdu] Landlord Issues
Kody Keplinger
kodytheduff at gmail.com
Wed Mar 6 04:20:23 UTC 2013
He mentioned this. His words were something like "If we had an opening on
the first floor, it would be okay." Which I take to mean there are no
current vacancies on the first floor.
On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 11:14 PM, d m gina <dmgina at samobile.net> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have another question.
> Why not ask if you can move down stairs. Then the dog would be on the
> first floor, not bothering anyone.
> Sure the dog will bark from time to time, no different than if a person
> got loud.
> Just some thoughts.
> Original message:
> Dar.
>> that is a good point about getting the comments in writing.
> Sincerely,
>> Melissa and Pj
>> Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it
>> go,
>> and you learn at once how big and precious it is.
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "d m gina" <dmgina at samobile.net>
>> To: <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 7:15 PM
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Landlord Issues
> You know you probably weigh more than your dog will weigh.
>> Smile, so if there is a problem about noise then they should have told
>> you how you are walking on wooden floors.
>> As far as the dog walking on one, that isn't loud at all.
>> Maybe dropping a bone something like that, the neighbor would hear.
>> Yes I know how hard it is to move, where your landlord is in the wrong.
>> He doesn't know his shoe size.
>> yes nagdu would help with this.
>> You need his comments in writing.
>> Just moving his jaws won't work.
>> Original message:
>>> Hey guys,
> I need some professional opinions and help.
> I just saw my landlord, and he pretty much told me if I get a guide dog, I
>>> basically have to move out. My immediate reaction was that that is
>>> illegal,
>>> and he assured me that he knows the ADA and FHA backwards and forwards
>>> (his
>>> words). He then said it's because of the building's structure and the
>>> hardwood floors. He said it would be unfair to the tenants below me to
>>> have
>>> a large dog walking around and that he could lose money.
> I'm really upset and worried. My gut is telling me he is wrong and that
>>> this is illegal, but I also understand his argument. I asked if we could
>>> compromise (i. e. put in carpets) but he said his compromise would be
>>> helping me break my lease early and asking my realtor to help find a dog
>>> friendly place in the neighborhood.
> Has anyone dealt with this particular argument before? Is my landlord
>>> right
>>> or is the law on my side? My other issue is, do I really want to live in
>>> a
>>> place where I have to have this fight?
> Please help.
> Kody
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>> --Dar
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> --
> --Dar
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> every saint has a past
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*Kody Keplinger*
author of:
*THE DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) - an ALA Top Ten Quick Pick for
Reluctant Young Readers.*
*SHUT OUT - available September 5th!*
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