[nagdu] How to say goodbye
rhonda cruz
rhondaprincess at gmail.com
Thu Mar 28 01:39:54 UTC 2013
hi i am sending you positive hugs.
i hope your new dog is wonderful.
On Mar 27, 2013, at 4:00 PM, Hannah Chadwick wrote:
> Meghan,
> I am so so very sorry to hear this devasting news! Your post brought tears to my eyes, and I can only say that I understand what you are going through. It is never easy to retire a guide, especially at such a young age, when there is so much life left for you both to experience. I hope that your next dog will be just as amazing!
> All the best, Hannah
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Meghan Whalen <mewhalen at gmail.com
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users" <nagdu at nfbnet.org
> Date sent: Wed, 27 Mar 2013 17:06:06 -0500
> Subject: [nagdu] How to say goodbye
> As I get ready to leave for class at TSE on Monday, I am cherishing
> every moment with my Dayton boy. From 12 weeks, I have been his
> constant, and he has been
> mine. I am the one who curled up with him on the floor so he could fall
> asleep listening to my heartbeat when he was missing his litter mates
> and his mom.
> I am the one who taught him sit, come, stay, lay nicely under the table,
> don't pick things up off the ground and I am always here.
> Soon, though, both of our worlds will change, forever. He has become dog
> aggressive. I thought it was only while he was working, but yesterday,
> he started
> to act aggressively towards the other dogs in my home. I have come to
> the realization that for the safety of my other dogs and my guide who I
> will meet
> sometime next week, I need to find him a home where he can still be the
> center of someone's world. It is true that he has always shared me with
> others,
> but as my guide, for hours of every day, he was the only dog. He came to
> work while everyone else stayed home etc etc. You all know what I mean,
> I think.
> I don't think he can cope well with the downgrade to pet. I don't think
> he can adjust to having to share me most of the time.
> We just finished a 35 minute session of fetch out in my driveway, and I
> kept thinking, "This may be the last time I ever throw a ball for
> him."...so I
> kept throwing it one more time. I don't know when the last hug, the last
> gentle lick or the last snuggle will happen, because I don't know when
> that perfect
> home will be found. I do know that there is a good chance I will never
> see him again after this Sunday when he leaves to stay with a trusted
> friend and
> colleague. No one can love my boy like I do, but I hope they can do just
> as well, in their own way. He just turned three on the eleventh of this
> month,
> so he has a lot of life and joy ahead of him.
> He has been attacked four different times since I got him. The last time
> was the only one that left physical damage. The build up of time and
> time again
> has taught him not to trust other dogs, and who could blame a guy? I am
> so very proud of all he learned with me. From traffic training to
> platform refusal,
> he has aced everything I have thrown at him. He is a superhero, but he
> has just been scared and hurt one too many times to keep us both safe
> anymore. I
> am devastated, and I hope he finds happiness and fulfillment wherever he
> ends up calling home.
> Thank you for reading, it helps to know I am not alone in my pain.
> Meghan
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