[nagdu] Figby Is Sick And Tips For Cleaning Up

Jessica Diaz PC jldiaz421 at gmail.com
Sun May 5 09:22:30 UTC 2013

Hi All
So we had a rather rude but definitely appreciated awakening. For the second
time in 2 weeks, we woke up to my husband's dog Figby crying and some
number2 liquid everywhere. We rushed him outside just now where we went a
lot more and it sounded like he was in pain. I cleaned it the best I could
by using a wet towel, pouring dish soap and water on it, scrubbing it a lot
more, and then spraying this stuff that is supposed to help with the odor. I
wanted to make sure I was doing it right because knock on wood, my dog
Saunders has never has had this inside. We are hoping Figby is better but
have him in the crate until the vet opens at 10. He did not each anything
out of the ordinary and my dog is fine. 2 weeks ago when it happened, he did
not try to wake us but he also had free reign of the house that night so he
did it in the living room. We wonder if it is his food but last time ,that
morning after we noticed it, he was fine the rest of the day. He is 9 and we
are scared that something might be wrong. Also, we had him around other
dog's today because we did not know it was pet rescue day at Petco when we
went to get Saunders food. I don't think that could be it though because
Saunders is perfectly fine. While this was going on he just laid in bed as
usual. Thanks for everyone listening.
Jessica Diaz

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