[nagdu] Dental bones
Tami Jarvis
tami at poodlemutt.com
Wed May 15 16:31:09 UTC 2013
Just the enzymes. So, yeah, same idea. Interesting question about if
there is a probiotic effect. The company does sell probiotics. For a
price. I've been thinking about probiotics because Mitzi is on
antibiotics for a couple of weeks. I usually eat yogurt when I'm taking
that and used to use it when she was having that long string of UTIs.
But now that they make specially formulated probiotics in pills... Well,
we're poor, so I will watch her and get the cheap natural yogurt which I
have no temptation to steal from her. Yuck! She loves it, though.
On 05/15/2013 08:52 AM, Tracy Carcione wrote:
> The dog toothpaste is enzymes too, so I guess the 2 products work in
> similar ways. I wonder if the cheese enzymes are also like dog
> probiotics? Do they contain cheese, or just cheese enzymes?
> Tracy
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tami Jarvis" <tami at poodlemutt.com>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 11:28 AM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Dental bones
>> Well, it's not complete cheese, just powdered cheese enzymes. When it
>> mixes with the saliva while the dog is chewing, it loosens and
>> dissolves the plaque and grunge because of the action of the enzymes.
>> The powder gets kinda sticky, so that may help. I guess those enzymes
>> work a lot like whatever is in toothpaste to loosen tooth gunk that we
>> then brush off.
>> I remember I had some serious doubts about all that when someone first
>> heard of it, but I also trusted her knowledge and judgment about such
>> products so decided to give it a try. That was back when my hands were
>> totally useless, so using the finger brushes was out of the question!
>> Though I've been thinking that it probably wouldn't hurt to get the
>> things out now and then and brush properly to make sure we get
>> everything. For that, I can use the same product with a little water
>> to make a paste to scrub around.
>> We've tried some of the products that you put in their water, with
>> less satisfactory results, although one does nicely freshen the breath
>> and the dogs seem to like it okay. But I prefer the DentaTreat for
>> teeth cleaning.
>> Tami
>> On 05/15/2013 08:11 AM, Deanna Lewis wrote:
>>> Tami,
>>> Maybe this is a dumb question, but I will ask anyways... LOL
>>> How does the powder help? Does it kind of scrub their teeth when the
>>> eat it? Does it also freshen breath? I'm just trying to understand
>>> how cheese can help with dental health. Thanks!
>>> Deanna
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Tami Jarvis
>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 11:01 AM
>>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Dental bones
>>> Dar,
>>> I ended up ordering from the website, since it's hard to find over here.
>>> http://www.wysong.net/products/dentatreat-dog-cat-supplement.php
>>> It is a powder that you sprinkle over the food. You can also use a
>>> spoon if you want to measure it better. I'm lazy, so do so many
>>> shakes and go with that. /smile/
>>> hth,
>>> Tami
>>> On 05/15/2013 06:00 AM, d m gina wrote:
>>>> Where do you get this denta-treat?
>>>> I don't like what they have over at pet smart.
>>>> It is a liquid where I feel you can pour to much and is a small bottle
>>>> with a price.
>>>> Original message:
>>>>> Tracy,
>>>>> I use a product that I just sprinkle over the dog's food on a regular
>>>>> basis that works wonders. It's called Denta-Treat by Wysong, and it's
>>>>> powdered cheese enzymes. Spendy, with two dogs. But I was really sold
>>>>> when we tried it with Daisy when she was into double digits... Her
>>>>> teeth were pure white in under a week. So it works there! I also like
>>>>> it because Ms. Finicky Poodle will dig in more enthusiastically if I
>>>>> put something on her food to make it more special. /smile/
>>>>> I've also used Greenies and the like, which are nice for fresh
>>>>> breath, but expensive. Some have seemed to do more for the teeth
>>>>> than others.
>>>>> Those seem to be the ones that are most expensive.
>>>>> Hm... I use Zuke's minis as training treats, since they are low cal,
>>>>> but I've never checked out their dental bones. I might try them when
>>>>> next I can spring for such luxuries. Mitzi seems not to usually have
>>>>> super dog breath, but... I do like having a supply on hand, along
>>>>> with chewing gum for me, for when it's needed.
>>>>> Tami
>>>>> On 05/14/2013 09:27 AM, Tracy Carcione wrote:
>>>>>> I always wonder if the dental bones really work to keep a dog's
>>>>>> teeth clean. It seems like saying that, if I eat raw carrots or
>>>>>> apples, I don't need to brush my teeth. And they all seem full of
>>>>>> grains and such that would stick to the teeth. The Zuke bones
>>>>>> Robert mentions sound better in that regard, but do any of them
>>>>>> work?
>>>>>> I've used the dog toothpaste and the fingerbrush for my last 2 dogs,
>>>>>> and it does seem to make a difference, so I'll stick with that. It's
>>>>>> easy; they like it, and it doesn't add a lot of extra calories.
>>>>>> Tracy
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