[nagdu] Article: Scared Publix customer sprays seeing-eye dog
Michael Hingson
info at michaelhingson.com
Thu May 23 21:41:36 UTC 2013
It seems to me she poses a threat to everyone. Anyone who can go off that
easily is a danger to society.
Michael Hingson
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Buddy Brannan
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 01:15 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Article: Scared Publix customer sprays seeing-eye dog
I thought the article said she was a customer. Regardless, I don't care if
she's got a mental disability, her actions posed a direct physical threat
not only to the dog but to its handler. She needs to be taken off the
streets, at least.
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
On May 23, 2013, at 4:06 PM, "Star Gazer" <pickrellrebecca at gmail.com> wrote:
> Using the argument that mental health is a disability, and she
> presumably has a real mental health issue, then why was she working in
> an environment that could trigger her to act aggressively. It'd be
> like if a blind person drove a bus, it could probably be done, but not
> safely, and if a blind person did attempt it, and hurt someone or
> damagd property as a result, then the blind person should face
> whatever penalties anybody else would face if they drove a bus and caused
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Marsha
> Drenth
> Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:57 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Article: Scared Publix customer sprays seeing-eye
> dog
> All,
> this is another one of those cases where it should be decided who
> should be accommendated. Just like Marion posted about a week or so
> ago, a person who has an allergy to dogs, has to figure it out
> themselves, its their responsibility. Is a blind persons needs more
> important than a persons with a mental health issue? or is it the other
way around? Its a very sad case.
> What the store clerk did was horrible, what her punishment should be I
> am not sure. But if she had any assistance in being placed in that
> job, whom ever was helping her should have gotten that information
> that she was afraid of dogs, before placing her in a potential
> location that would have service animals involved. I mean it could
> have been a a person who is physically impaired come in with a service
> animal, the clerk could have done the same thing. The clerk was afraid
> of dogs, it doesn't matter about the who has the dog, its a dog, no
> matter what disability. Mental health is now considered a disability. I am
not sure there is a right or wrong in this case.
> Marsha drenth
> Sent with my IPhone
> On May 23, 2013, at 11:12 AM, "Criminal Justice Major Extraordinaire"
> <orleans24 at comcast.net> wrote:
>> I hope this owman that did this ends up serving time in jail and has
>> to
> pay the $5000.00 fine.
>> Wht this customer service representative di was unbelievable.
>> I don't care if she has a mental illness, but what she did to the
>> guide
> dog is very unexceptable and unexcusable!!!
>> This makes me very angry and mad!!!
>> *Disgusted and upset*
>> I do hope that the guide dog has not suffered any trauma from this
> incident.
>> Bibi and son Odie
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 8:09 PM
>> Subject: Article: Scared Publix customer sprays seeing-eye dog Scared
>> Publix customer sprays seeing-eye dog with bleach Sunrise resident
>> cited for animal cruelty A seeing-eye dog had bleach squirted in its
>> eyes at a Publix grocery store when a 67-year-old woman intentionally
>> sprayed the animal in an unprovoked attack, a police report says.
>> The 5-year-old yellow Labrador retriever appeared uninjured, the
>> report said, but Patricia Lawler, of Sunrise, was cited for animal
>> cruelty and given a notice to appear after the 4:15 p.m. Saturday
>> incident
> at the store at 10155 W. Oakland Park Blvd.
>> Lawler told police she "thought it was a vicious animal" and feared
>> it would be a danger to other customers, so she grabbed a spray
>> bottle of Clorox cleaner off a shelf and sprayed the animal in the eyes
and back.
>> "I realize now it was a mistake," Lawler said when reached by
>> telephone Monday. "I have a fear of dogs. It was just a big dog with
>> a big
> head. I was just afraid."
>> Lawler said she takes medication for schizoaffective disorder, and
>> paranoia is one the symptoms associated with her mental illness.
>> The dog's owner, Ronda Carin Shore, 45, also of Sunrise, told police
>> she is blind and keeps the canine with her at all times. It was
>> wearing a service-dog vest, an assist handle and a placard, the
>> report said.
>> Shore declined to comment Monday.
>> Although the dog wasn't exhibiting aggressive behavior, Lawler said
>> she got scared when she saw it and asked Shore to leave the store
>> with the dog. When that didn't produce results, she said she resorted
>> to the
> spray bleach to get rid of the animal.
>> "I was afraid the dog would go wild, or some small child would get
>> bitten, or somebody would get hurt," Lawler said. "I guess I
>> overreacted. But I still feel like a dog doesn't belong in a place
>> like a
> grocery store."
>> If convicted of the first-degree misdemeanor, Lawler faces up to a
>> year in jail and/or a $5,000 fine.
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