[nagdu] Article: Scared Publix customer sprays seeing-eye dog

Criminal Justice Major Extraordinaire orleans24 at comcast.net
Fri May 24 07:45:35 UTC 2013

Hi, Marion,
I posted this article to another email list I'm on and listers were very disgusted having to read that the guide dog was assaulted.
I'll be honest and up front here that yes, I have anxiety and depression on top of the chronic severe asthma, osteo parosess and convulsive grandmal seizure disorder, but still, I'm careful of what I do and know what is appropriate or inappropriate on my part.
I do agree that we along with our four-legged furry partners have that right to travel to establishments in the public community hoping that neither handler or dog are harmed.
This could have possibly happened to Odie or I along with many others.
I haven't yet told the service cordinators in my apartment complex, but plan on doing so tomorrow to see what their take on this is out of curiosity.
Although one of them isn't comfortable with dogs, she told me she'd never do anything rediculous and unexceptable.
She personally told me she's more comfortable with a service dog than regular pet dogs, only because she said that she doesn't interfier with a working dog.
Back when this service cordinator was growing up as a little girl, she had to witness a dog being tortured by other kids and since them, it's caused her to be uncomfortable with a dog.
I do my best to make sure Odie is remained under control at all times and that when she has to come up to my apartment, let me know ahead of time so I can be sure he's on leash or tie down for a few minutes.
Other measures I take is having my hand closer to the leash clasp or around his collar so he is kept still in one place.
I am quick to correct him if need be.
Odie isn't perfect and he will make mistakes.
If he truely was perfect, he wouldn't learn from any of them and try to rework his errors.
Another comment I will ad is that in 2006 one time, a former resident's visitor swung at Odie, provoking him to defend himself upon coming close to attacking that individual.
I'm glad I was able to stop it or else, he really would have clamped down on her limb that she threateneed him with.
The security guard during that time actually yelled ad the individual, letting her know that her behavior was unexceptable that Odie wasn't even bothering her, minding his own business.
I immediately reported the incident to my leasing office that day and the visitor was banned from the property all together.
People in general just don't thik about how their negative reactions can damage a working dog easily and quickly to where the dog is unfortunately retired.

Most reasons I can figure that a person would be not fond of a dog is because of barking or jumping.
My belief is that if someone has a phobia or parayona problem, it needs to be dealt with immediately upon getting help to work on controlling it.
just my thoughts here.
Bibi and son Odie

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