[nagdu] Quite a Predicament
Tai Blas
taiablas at gmail.com
Fri Nov 1 17:28:54 UTC 2013
Yes, I have talked with Seeing Eye and continue to do so. Actually, in a very few limited situations, schools do share dogs. I knew someone a guiding eyes who got a dog from Seeing Eye. Seeing Eye gave guiding eyes a German Shepherd for their use in training this person. However, I know this is extremely rare.
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> On Nov 1, 2013, at 12:17 PM, "Tracy Carcione" <carcione at access.net> wrote:
> Hi Tai.
> Have you discussed your scheduling problem with the folks at Seeing Eye? They would be able to answer the first few of your questions. I'm sure schools don't share dogs, though.
> I feel for you. Perhaps TSE could arrange for at least part of your training to be at home, if that would help.
> Good luck.
> Tracy
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tai Blas" <taiablas at gmail.com>
> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Friday, November 01, 2013 12:57 PM
> Subject: [nagdu] Quite a Predicament
>> Hello all. I have quite a predicament and am looking for input from the
>> list. I had trained with my first Seeing Eye dog Chica in 1998. I retired
>> her in 2002 for various reasons related to her work and propensity to
>> relieve indoors despite extensive work with Seeing Eye instructors on these
>> issues. I am now looking to train with a new guide. I was scheduled to train
>> in Seeing Eye's December class. However, I recently received news that they
>> do not have a good match for me. I mistakenly relied on being in that class,
>> and I know that is my fault, not Seeing Eye's fault.
>> I need to train with a guide prior to January 6 when I start law school
>> again. Due to law school commitments, I will be unable to train for a guide
>> within the next fourteen months after December. This creates quite a
>> scheduling problem. My understanding is that Seeing Eye matches students
>> with only the strings of dogs that the trainers assigned to that class have
>> trained. Is there any possibility that other trainers at Seeing Eye could
>> have a dog that is a match for me, or are matching decisions based on the
>> entire pool of dogs?
>> In the event that Seeing Eye cannot locate a dog for me, might they have
>> reciprocity with another school that might have an appropriate match for me?
>> If Seeing Eye cannot accommodate my schedule, might there be any way at this
>> late date of getting into another school? If so, how should I go about this?
>> My predicament will not permit me to follow the standard application
>> processes which take several months. Might schools deviate from their
>> protocols/policies to accommodate me, or is this a long shot? Earlier in the
>> year, I had initiated an application with Guide Dogs for the Blind which is
>> still active. However, GDB would need to complete a home visit and that
>> process can take up to eight weeks, meaning that I could not train in
>> December. Late in 2012, I had initiated an application with Guiding Eyes,
>> but I am fairly certain that application has lapsed and that applying for a
>> new guide with them would not be feasible prior to December. I would prefer
>> to train at schools in New Jersey, New York, or California. I am not partial
>> to any breed, but obviously am looking for the best possible match. Any
>> input on or off the list would be greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks.
>> Tai
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