[nagdu] [NAGDU] ownership RE: Guide Dog Schools

Larry D. Keeler lkeeler at comcast.net
Sat Nov 2 17:32:45 UTC 2013

That is true but I still don't think a school has to tell you what happens 
unless they want too. I aggree with the bonding thing but I don't aggree 
that they have to tell you everything about the dog who has been returned. 
It would be nice to do but lawfully it may be close to confidential.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hannah Chadwick" <sparklylicious at gmail.com>
To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'" 
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2013 1:28 AM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] [NAGDU] ownership RE: Guide Dog Schools

> Larry,
> I would have to disagree. I think that our bond with our dogs is one of 
> the
> most amazing things, and although my previous dog didn't work out, I would
> have loved to know what happened to her. Despite her work performance, she
> was still a great dog and I felt our bond was pretty strong. I think that
> this is similar to puppy raisers in some ways. They raise a dog and that 
> dog
> gets to go everywhere with those people, but after a while the dog goes 
> back
> to the school. I hope I'm making sense :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Larry D. Keeler
> Sent: Friday, November 01, 2013 9:34 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] [NAGDU] ownership RE: Guide Dog Schools
> Well Nicole, if the dog has to go back for some reason, I don't think they
> have to tell you what happened to the dog. It would be nice if they did 
> but
> my assumption would be that for some reason the dog, the person or both
> didn't work out. Many folks might even be wanting another guide.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Nicole Torcolini" <ntorcolini at wavecable.com>
> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Friday, November 01, 2013 11:06 PM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] [NAGDU] ownership RE: Guide Dog Schools
>> Raven hit the nail right on the head:
>> "Why would you bother to give someone a dog if you questioned their
>> ability to properly work and care for the animal?"
>> If the dog does not work out, then the handler should have some say in
>> what happens to the dog. Yes, I agree that the handler could be
>> encouraged to return the dog for evaluation for placement with someone
>> else if the dog is under a certain age, but the handler should then be
>> told what happens to the dog and also have the choice of taking the
>> dog back as a pet if it does not work out. Also, the flip side of this
>> is that, if the person plans to get another dog soon, keeping the
>> other dog as a pet may not be such a good idea because of jealousy and
>> confusion between the two dogs.
>> I think that the only two times that a school should be able to take a
>> dog is if the handler is abusing or neglecting the dog or if the dog
>> is very clearly not able to guide but the handler still insists on
>> working the dog.
>> In the case of neglect or abuse, I think that it should be some third
>> party that investigates and ultimately removes the dog so that there
>> is not any bias by the school. The second case, of course, is often
>> hard to define and is often misinterpreted by the schools.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Raven
>> Tolliver
>> Sent: Friday, November 01, 2013 6:08 AM
>> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] [NAGDU] ownership RE: Guide Dog Schools
>> Mike, schools cannot afford to give out pets. But the other side of
>> the coin is people unjustly having their guide dogs repossessed. I say
>> we push for the lesser of two evils, which is give full ownership upon
>> graduation, and risk giving out pets for the sake of guide dog
>> handlers not having dogs wrongfully repossessed.
>> I have heard of and seen several instances where a guide dog was
>> wrongfully repossessed. A buddy of mine had his guide dog repossessed
>> because she was having chronic ear infections under his care. For
>> three months, he communicated back and forth with the school to try to
>> straighten out the problem, but they wanted the dog back because they
>> did not want the reputation of issuing unhealthy dogs.
>> Now, that is just wrong on so many levels. Rather than work with him
>> to resolve the issue and keep his hardworking partner, they wanted to
>> cover their own ass. This shows a complete lack of trust, and it also
>> shows that they do not value their clients. An issue this minor is
>> something that can be resolved over time with a bit of research and
>> collaboration. But instead of concerning themselves with offering
>> guidance and assistance  to a graduate, they were worried about their
>> own reputation!
>> Why would you bother to give someone a dog if you questioned their
>> ability to properly work and care for the animal? Perhaps schools
>> should do more to get to know potential clients and their lifestyles
>> before placing dogs with people. That is a better solution than giving
>> us dogs, then monitoring us like parents to make sure we're doing
>> everything according to the school's standards, and taking away dogs
>> when we make mistakes or are having problems.
>> On 11/1/13, Julie J. <julielj at neb.rr.com> wrote:
>>> I think ownership might encourage the school to do a better job of
>>> matching
>>> dogs.  Also I'm thinking transferring ownership to the handler might
>>> get the
>>> school to do a very thorough job of investigating the student before
>>> giving
>>> them a dog.  That should cut down on the number of people who aren't
>>> suited
>>> to a guide dog getting one in the first place.
>>> It would be interesting to compare schools with ownership to those
>>> who never
>>> give ownership to see the differences in these factors.
>>> Julie
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Mike
>>> Sent: Friday, November 01, 2013 6:20 AM
>>> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] [NAGDU] ownership RE: Guide Dog Schools
>>> A lot of time and money gets infested into producing a guide dog. Its
>>> silly
>>> to try and pressure companies into giving complete ownership to the
>> handler.
>>> If it doesn't work out in six months or a year or even two then,
>>> depending on reason, that dog could go back to the company and
>>> eventually go help someone else.
>>> Why turn such an investment into someone's pet when it could be so
>>> much more
>>> for someone else.
>>> I personally don't agree with the bill of rights. People should just
>>> understand their school of choice. Its not our decision. Its theirs
>>> as a business. If we as consumers don't like it then we have other
>>> schools to pick from.
>>> If i ran a school id probably do the same thing. Its protecting an
>>> investment and smaller schools cant afford to hand out pets.
>>> JMO
>>> Mike
>>>> On Oct 31, 2013, at 9:45 PM, "Michael Hingson"
>>>> <info at michaelhingson.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hannah,
>>>> The problem is that what we define as full ownership is not what the
>>>> schools usually mean.  The Seeing Eye is an organization that
>>>> provides ownership.
>>>> I
>>>> am not as familiar with Pilot, but Chantel indicates that Pilot also
>>>> does give ownership.
>>>> Other schools have different contracts that may or may not grant
>>>> full ownership, and that may require that if a guide retires within
>>>> some length of time the school may demand that the guide be returned
>>>> for retraining or for some other purpose.  NAGDU has passed
>>>> resolutions calling on all schools to provide full ownership of
>>>> guide dogs upon graduation, and that same position is stated in
>>>> NAGDU's Guide Dog Consumer Bill of Rights.  Most guide dog schools
>>>> are living in the past and are as a result paternalistic to one degree
> or another.
>>>> They do not see the tide of aware consumers which is turning against
>>>> them and which is demanding the same rights given to other citizens
>>>> in other training situations.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Michael Hingson
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Hannah
>>>> Chadwick
>>>> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 7:22 PM
>>>> To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
>>>> Subject: [nagdu] ownership RE: Guide Dog Schools
>>>> Chantel,
>>>> Thank you for the correction.
>>>> Can someone please define complete ownership when it comes to guide
>>>> dogs?
>>>> I
>>>> mean, if we get complete ownership, then doesn't that mean I'd get
>>>> to keep the dog no matter the age when that dog stops working? I'm
>>>> just curious since I was told that I had to send my dog back to the
>>>> school because she didn't work out but she was only 3.
>>>> Thank you, hannah
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Chantel
>>>> Cuddemi
>>>> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 7:08 PM
>>>> To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Guide Dog Schools
>>>> Hanna,
>>>> Pilot Dogs gives us graduates full ownership of our dogs upon
>>>> graduation from the program.
>>>> Hope that helped,
>>>> Chantel and Motley of Pilot Dogs.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Hannah
>>>> Chadwick
>>>> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 7:56 PM
>>>> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Guide Dog Schools
>>>> Yes, GDB can provide more financial help if needed.  I think that
>>>> larger schools tend to have more follow-up services because they
>>>> have more funds
>>>> as
>>>> well as trainers.  I don't think Pilot gives complete ownership, but
>>>> I could be wrong since that wasn't one of my concerns when I applied.
>>>> Pilot also trains boxers and Dobermans in addition to what Raven
>>>> mentioned.
>>>> On one hand I think that it is important to have a breed preference,
>>>> but on the other, I think it is the training that matters the most.
>>>> There are good things and bad things about every breed of dog.  The
>>>> work you put in is what you will get out.  The more effort you put
>>>> into your dog will mean more success with your team.  When you get
>>>> your dog, please remember that the bonding process takes between 6
>>>> months and a year.  As in my earlier email, please feel free to
>>>> email me off list if you want to know about Pilot or Guide Dogs for
>>>> the Blind.
>>>> Good luck, Hannah and Spritzie
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: Raven Tolliver <ravend729 at gmail.com
>>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org Date sent: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 19:39:50 -0400
>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Guide Dog Schools
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I attended Guiding Eyes for the Blind primarily because I wanted an
>>>> adult dog.  As a person who never owned or handled a dog before, I
>>>> thought it important to have a dog that was physically and mentally
>>>> mature, and had established mannerisms.  I wanted a golden
>>>> retriever, and goldens and German shepherds have a better work ethic as
> adults.
>>>> This has been proven in studies of guide dog programs and service
>>>> dog programs.
>>>> I also chose GEB because of the financial assistance.  Students are
>>>> allotted $200 annually, and if your dog is 10 pounds within their
>>>> target weight, the student is given another $100.  There is also an
>>>> emergency fund, but it can only be used once during a particular
>>>> dog's career.  The GDB grads can correct me if I'm wrong, but I
>>>> think GDB gives more financial assistance than this.  Grads from
>>>> that program can explain the logistics better.
>>>> As far as what breed of dog is best at guide work, that depends on
>>>> the person.  I have always adored the gentle nature and laid-back
>>>> temperament
>>>> of
>>>> a golden, and I would not want to live with the high energy and
>>>> quirkiness of a typical labrador.  German shepherds are very serious
>>>> about their work, but they have high energy requirements.
>>>> All
>>>> three breeds are extremely loving, loyal and obedient if you bond
>>>> with them properly.  All three breeds have double coats, so they
>>>> both shed a lot.
>>>> I
>>>> do not know as much about the other breeds put out by Pilot dogs,
>>>> but people have success with them, so you would have to ask the
>>>> handlers of poodles, dobermans, and Vieszlas.
>>>> You have to decide for yourself what you like or don't like in a dog.
>>>> And the personality is just as, if not more, important than breed.
>>>> Also, know that if you are picky about breed that it may take longer
>>>> to find you the right dog and get a class date.  I was fortunate
>>>> that my golden was available so soon after I applied, but I knew
>>>> that being choosy might mean
>>>> a
>>>> longer wait.
>>>> To determine which school might be right for you, you should rate
>>>> the following factors by importance  to you.
>>>> location of school, home-training program, special needs program,
>>>> cost of the program, length of program, financial assistance, follow
>>>> up services, ownership policy, training methods, choice to meet and
>>>> keep in touch with your dog's puppy-raisers, graduation ceremony,
>>>> breeds offered, life stage
>>>> of
>>>> dogs issued These are just what I can think of for now, but there
>>>> are more factors that others will bring to your attention.
>>>> If ownership is important to you, the Seeing Eye, Pilot Dogs, or
>>>> Guide Dogs of America are options.  If you don't understand why
>>>> ownership is important to some people, then I will explain upon
>>>> request, because it is a very serious issue that every service dog
>>>> handler should have proper understanding of.
>>>> If home-training is important to you this is offered by Fidelco,
>>>> Guiding Eyes, and a couple other programs.  Guiding Eyes usually
>>>> does home-training with returning graduates, but they have been
>>>> known to approve it for first time trainees.
>>>> I would encourage you to complete your training with your first
>>>> guide dog
>>>> at
>>>> the school if it is at all possible and convenient for you.  The
>>>> benefit is that you will not likely feel alone in the struggles you
>>>> will experience, and also, you can get great training and doggie
>>>> care tips from experienced guide dog handlers.  In addition, you
>>>> could develop long standing relationships with other classmates,
>>>> which was a plus for me.
>>>> Good luck, and email me off list if you want to know more about my
>>>> Guiding Eyes experience.
>>>> On 10/31/13, Shickeytha Chandler <shickeytha at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thank you all for your responses.  I have actually been leaning
>>>> toward  a lab or a golden because I have heard in the past that
>>>> those types of dogs are very loyal and have an even temperament.
>>>> But at the same  time, I want to have an open mind and consider what
>>>> other types of  dogs might have to offer.  By the way, I love the
>>>> names of all three of  your dogs.  Great dog names!
>>>> On 10/31/13, minh ha <minh.ha927 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Shickeytha,
>>>> I want to echo what Hannah said in her email.  I am working with my
>>>> first guide, Viva from Guide Dogs for the Blind on their Oregon
>>>> campus.  As a college student, financial and post-graduation support
>>>> were the two most critical aspects that I was looking for in a guide
>>>> dog school.  I felt like GDB provided both of these and I really
>>>> liked  their positive training methods as well as the respectful way
>>>> they  treat their handlers.
>>>> Regarding
>>>> the breed of dog, I think that  ultimately needs to be your decision.
>>>> Each
>>>> individual has their  preference and people are going to tell you
>>>> their choice is the best.
>>>> GDB only works with labs and golden retrievers.  My girl is a lab
>>>> and I couldn't have asked for a better dog; she's extremely
>>>> energetic and playful, but she's an excellent worker once the harness
> goes on.
>>>> Minh
>>>> On 10/31/13, Chantel Cuddemi <jawsgirl87 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Welcome to the  list!
>>>> I am working my first dog from Pilot Dogs, a standard poodle named
>>>> Motley!
>>>> We've been a team for a year and eight months.
>>>> Good luck with what school you choose!
>>>> Chantel and Motley.
>>>> On 10/31/13, Hannah Chadwick <sparklylicious at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hey,
>>>> Welcome to the list.  I'm working my second guide, Spritz.  She  is
>>>> from Guide Dogs for the Blind.  She is a black lab; I got her  over
>>>> the summer.
>>>> Since I'm a college student and having had a previous dog that  was
>>>> very high-maintenance, I knew I would need financial  assistance and
>>>> after support.  Those were two of the major things  I looked for
>>>> when I applied
>>>> to
>>>> schools.  The training methods  (positive vs negative) used in
>>>> schools also mattered to me.  Of  course which may vary on an
>>>> individual and team basis, but I've  come to realize that food
>>>> rewards go a long way.  My first dog was from Pilot because I wanted
>>>> a poodle, but she retired after  almost a year.
>>>> My training experience at Pilot was good, but I  wasn't as
>>>> experienced so
>>>> I
>>>> didn't have the necessary tools to  manage such a high-strung dog.
>>>> Please
>>>> email me off-list if you  have further questions.
>>>> Good luck with the application process  and all that.
>>>> Best, Hannah and Spritz
>>>>  ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: Shickeytha Chandler <shickeytha at gmail.com
>>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog  Users"
>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org  Date sent: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 14:08:20 -0400
>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Guide Dog Schools
>>>> No problem.  I understand that different people have different
>>>> experiences and perspectives, and I think it is important to
>>>> consider  both positive and negative.  Thanks.
>>>> On 10/31/13, Mike <blinkin4342 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>  As a Fidelco client I completely disagree with the statement  that
>>>> Fidelco  has contract issues.  The issues are definitely personal
>>>> and not Fidelco's  fault.
>>>>  I have had nothing but good experiences with Fidelco over the  last
>>>> three  years and I know a lot of people who feel the same way.
>>>> There are a certain  handful of folks on this list who have personal
>>>> issues with  Fidelco and tend  to be much louder than the people who
>>>> have good experiences.
>>>>  You should definitely read the contract to make sure you are  aware
>>>> of the  rules.  That is the case with any guy dog school.  Just keep
>>>> an  open mind.
>>>>  Every school has good and bad things.  Every school has someone
>>>> who loves  them and hates them.  I'd recommend that you decide what
>>>> breed you want, see  what school meets your needs the best, and go
>>>> forward from  there.
>>>>  Mike
>>>>  On Oct 31, 2013, at 12:18 PM, "Larry D.  Keeler"
>>>> <lkeeler at comcast.net
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>  First, watch out for Fidelco! They have contract issues.
>>>> Before
>>>> you
>>>>  decide, make sure you read and understand the contract.  The  other
>>>> thing,  schools when possible do give you a choice.  Now always can
>>>> they accomidate  but usually they can.  I went to Pilot because I
>>>> wanted a  poodle.  They  breed them down there.  However, I ended up
>>>> qith a labradoodle  wich is  almost as good! As for training at
>>>> school or at home, I think it  would be  more useful to train at hom.
>>>> But, if you know your  neighborhood, it  doesn't matter as much.
>>>>  ----- Original Message ----- From: "Shickeytha Chandler"
>>>>  <shickeytha at gmail.com
>>>>  To: <nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>>>  Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 11:44 AM
>>>>  Subject: [nagdu] Guide Dog Schools
>>>>  Hello all,
>>>>  I am new to the list.  I currently travel with a cane, but am  very
>>>> seriously considering getting a guide dog in the near future.
>>>> I
>>>> am
>>>>  doing research on guide dog schools to see which might be best  for 
>>>> me.
>>>>  I am considering Fidelco, Guiding Eyes and the Seeing Eye.
>>>> Does
>>>> anyone
>>>>  on this list have either particularly positive or especially
>>>> negative  experiences with any of these schools? If so, I would be
>>>> interested to  hear your feedback.  Also, I noticed that Fidelco
>>>> does training  at your  residence, whereas the other schools bring
>>>> you to their campuses  for  training.  I would like to hear
>>>> perspectives about the  disadvantages  and advantages of each of
>>>> these methods of training.
>>>>  Finally, I know that various types of dogs are trained as  guides,
>>>> ranging from labs to German Shepherds.  I would like to know if
>>>> schools  give you a choice as to what type of dog you are paired
>>>> with.
>>>> Also, I
>>>>  would be interested to hear from anyone who has worked with dogs
>>>> of  various kinds; I'd like to know your thoughts as to whether
>>>> there are  distinct qualities that one breed possesses that another
>>>> breed  does  not generally possess.  Of course, I am sure all dogs
>>>> are  unique, even  within a breed type.
>>>>  I know that is a lot of questions for one email.  Thanks in
>>>> advance for  any insight that you can provide.
>>>>  Shickeytha
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>>>> --
>>>> "All men dream, but not equally.  Those who dream by night in the
>>>> dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was
>>>> vanity:
>>>> but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on
>>>> their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible." T.  E.
>>>> Lawrence
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