[nagdu] Stinky dog
Mark J. Cadigan
kramc11 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 5 16:29:38 UTC 2013
I have had very good luck with the origin regional red dog food, and when I
brush my dog, I use a cote conditioner called “the stuff.” I also give my
dog fish oil and bath him once a month. I have found that this eliminates
90% of the stink. When I bath him, I use a two part process. First I wash
him with a degreaser shampoo to remove all the crud he picks up from living
in a dirty city, and then I use a moisturizing oatmeal shampoo to prevent
his skin from drying out.
This works for me, but my dog’s stink is caused by city nastiness instead of
some sort of allergy…
Best of luck,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tami Jarvis" <tami at poodlemutt.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Stinky dog
> Brandy,
> Bummer! I've had good results using aloe vera gel as a deodorizer and
> cleaner. It's actually amazing with some of the things dogs roll in, in
> fact. And cheaper than any of the dry shampoos I tried that didn't work.
> Looking into another food would probably be a good idea, especially a
> limited ingredient one. We had a pet dog that was stinky and had coat
> problems and weight problems and kept getting yeast infections. When our
> vet suggested she might have allergies and we put her on limited
> ingredient food, she trimmed down and her coat filled out and she started
> smelling good. It took awhile, as I recall, but one day I noticed the
> difference in smell along with all the other improvements, which was nice
> because she was a major snuggler. /smile/
> My sister has found that regularly using the furminator on her lab keeps
> him from being stinky because it pulls out all the dead undercoat. I don't
> know how often she bathes him, though. You mentioned brushing and pulling
> out lots of undercoat, so I don't know if a different tool would make a
> difference for you. It's just what she has noticed. /smile/
> Um... I've heard of using baby powder to clean and deodorize but have
> never tried that.
> That's all I can think of, in case any of it is helpful. Good luck
> figuring it out, and let us know if you find the miracle solution! /smile/
> Tami
> On 11/04/2013 03:50 PM, Brandydp wrote:
>> Good evening all,
>> So my dog has been particularly stinky since I got her. She got a bath
>> when I got her in August. I had to give her another one two weeks after
>> we got home. She smelled like she had been in a kennel for months without
>> grooming, when in reality she had been with me and brushed every other
>> day. Two weeks after that she was stinky again. Meanwhile, we had been to
>> the vet and she had a paw and ear yeast infection. No scratching chewing
>> or anything. She was put on anti fungal. No bath and no smell for a
>> month. A two weeks after the anti fungal the smell is back. When I bathe
>> her I get hand fulls of stinky under coat. It smells like rancid corn
>> chips. Took her to the vet yesterday and he found no yeast. The vet at
>> the school said some dogs just have more of an odor. She is eating taste
>> of the wild pacific stream. I was also giving her allergy three fish oil
>> supplements. Some people have said their dog smells fishy from eating
>> fish based food so I stopped the allergy three. The vet also sai
> d I may just have to give her a weekly bath with the medicated shampoo.
> Does anyone else seem to have this issue? And has anyone found a decent
> waterless shampoo or deodorizing something or rather... The huge issue
> here is that I am a massage therapist, stuck in a tiny not ventilated room
> and can't have a even slightly stinky dog let alone a rancid corn chip
> smelling dog. Sorry pinta I still love you...
>> Thanks for any advice.
>> brandy pinder
>> Alumni Council - second vice Chairman
>> Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc®
>> and America's VetDogs®, The Veteran's K-9 Corps Inc®
>> Providing "Second uSight"® since 1946
>> 371 E. Jericho Turnpike smith town ny 11766
>> Cso: 866-282-8047
>> Email: brandydp at verizon.net
>> Cell: 304-685-4499
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