[nagdu] Issues going on an not just with guide dog users
cheryl echevarria
cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 14 13:02:07 UTC 2013
As mentioned, NAGDU and Travel & Tourism, 2 very proud divisions of the NFB are in talks about doing a resolution at National Convention about the issues with the airlines and possibly do other things at National, but these are in talks right now.
Being the President of Travel & Tourism, we have been hearing other things as Mike Hingson has said about the disrespect the airlines have given us from the time we arrive at the gates to the time we get off the planes.
People having the canes taken away from them, which is not what is supposed to be done, being moved to other seats on the plane.
Margo Downey, Board Member of NAGDU, Jessica Snyder, current President of NYAGDU, and Julie Philipson all had issues traveling from Buffalo on Southwest to National Convention with there guide dogs.
A member of the Travel & Tourism had his cane taken away from him, when he said no, he know his rights by having either the cane between himself and the window, or laid across the seats in front of him.
I also just had clients from the NFB of MD, who went on their honeymoon to Puerto Rico, had a wonderful time, but when they got back they had to fly up to NY, JFK was rude to them, and wanted them to use a wheelchair to get to the next gate, and they refused.
And when they finally arrived in Baltimore at BWI, the gate attendants did the same thing, and my clients ran off, they knew BWI, because they live there and if they got lost they would ask for directions.
We need to do something about this, as proud divisions, I am also in talks with National on this with Mark Riccobono. So lets work together to get this done.
Albert Rizzi, question, are you with us because we are with you.
Cheryl Echevarria, PresidentNFB Travel and Tourism DivisionBoard Member of NYAGDU
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