[nagdu] FW: article Is Trifexis killing dogs?
Sherrill O'Brien
sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Fri Nov 15 19:51:17 UTC 2013
This information is something we should all have. It's very worrisome, as
I've been giving Fallon this preventive medication for six months, though
with no detectable side effects. There was a thread here a while back about
the weird smell of Trifexis.
With the drugs we humans take, if we heeded the warnings in those tV
commercials, and the list of possible side effects online, we would probably
stop taking all drugs. That's the problem with looking too much into drug
scares. But there is a fine line where you say "This doesn't seem proven
safe enough for me or my dog to take." So now I'm faced with this dilemma.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Tina.
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org]On Behalf Of Tina Thomas
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 2:30 PM
To: cagdu at nfbcal.org
Cc: nagdu at nfbnet.org
Subject: [nagdu] FW: article Is Trifexis killing dogs?
Subject: article Is Trifexis killing dogs?
Is Trifexis killing dogs?
There is a 'new' drug in the veterinary market called Trifexis. The
company manufacturing the drug claims it is safe, but there have been
hundreds of reported side effects, and over 300 dog deaths.
What is it?
Trifexis is a monthly chewable tablet for dogs. Trifexis kills fleas and
prevents flea infestations, treats and controls hookworms, whipworms and
roundworms, and prevents heartworm disease.
Trifexis contains 2 drugs: (spinosad + milbemycin oxime). Milbemycin has
been used for 20 years with virtually no side effects. The concern is
with this 'new' drug, spinosad.
Here is what the company has to say about side effects with Trifexis
As with all medicines, sometimes side effects may occur. In some cases,
dogs vomited after receiving Trifexis. If vomiting occurs within an hour
of administration, redose with another full dose. During field studies,
no severe or prolonged vomiting occurred. Additional adverse reactions
observed in the clinical studies were itching, decreased activity,
diarrhea, inflammation of the skin, redness of the skin, decreased
appetite and redness of the ear. All reactions were regarded as mild
The FDA compiles adverse drug reports, and there are a huge number
reported on spinosad, the new drug in Trifexis. In going through the FDA
reports, I counted over 400 adverse drug expreiences in dogs, not
counting those affecting cats and people.
Here are over 40 of the adverse effects:
Clearly there are big problems with this drug, and the FDA should be
warning pet owners and veterinarians about these potential side effects
before more dogs become ill or die.
When you add in the 222 reported dog deaths, plus 118 euthanized, there
are 340 dogs reported dead as a result of Trifexis.
In the interim I would suggest to not give your dog Trifexis.
Mariea and Valiant
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