[nagdu] FYI FW: Communication #7 - Potential Government Shutdown -

Michael Hingson info at michaelhingson.com
Tue Oct 1 03:42:22 UTC 2013

Please read below.  Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Buckland, Susan [mailto:Susan.Buckland at tsa.dhs.gov] 
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 01:16 PM
To: dalvarez at aarp.org; aadb-info at aadb.org; carolyn.bailey.ctr at socom.mil;
kbaker at nsvrc.org; tcox at nsvrc.org; scottb at rainn.org; bishopj at mail.amc.edu;
dboller at amvets.org; mbrunson at acb.org; sbrown at komen.org; kelly at ncil.org;
kcalhoun at amputee-coalition.org; sstout at amputee-coalition.org;
jcarroll at ncd.gov; digestive.motility at gmail.com; robertdemichelis at yahoo.com;
rdemichelis at biausa.org; jdexter at easterseals.com; jdugan at guidedogs.com;
mfernandez at ncvc.org; tracygeer at rsds.org; fgessner at legion.org;
kgordon at diabetes.org; dgorman at davmail.org; president at nagdu.org;
info at michaelhingson.com; lhamlin at hearingloss.org; info at michaelhingson.com;
katharine.hunter-zaworski at oregonstate.edu; Jisaacs at unitedspinal.org;
cjackson at diabetes.org; kgordon at diabetes.org; Greg at servicewomen.org;
akennedy at mdausa.org; mleary at easterseals.com; ericlipp at opendoorsnfp.org;
willmarling at trynova.org; maureenm at pva.org; lauriemehta at yahoo.com;
groverevans at sbcglobal.net; aneeman at gmail.com; kim at graceafterfire.org;
Nicole.beal at coramhc.com; lisa at graceafterfire.org; aostrom at efa.org;
mpeterson at unitedspinal.org; Linda Gravenstein; andrew.phillips at nad.org;
rsabia at ndss.org; patrick.wojahn at ndrn.org; JSimpson at aapd.com;
HBerger at aapd.com; tferguson at autismnow.org; sesker at access-board.gov;
starnes at access-board.gov; sstout at amputee-coalition.org;
david at ndsccenter.org; betsy.valnes at gmail.com; fvanhoy at purpleheart.org;
jward at ucp.org; laura.weidner at nmss.org; tzampieri at bva.org; info at kostasz.org;
Dan at amputee-coalition.org; CVallee at mlduggar.com; Ken.Schwartz at ncoa.org;
GingerKutsch at yahoo.com; jalbritton at cityofchicago.org; supriya.raman at faa.gov;
hansley at vetsfirst.org; deborah at trynova.org; jdugan at guidedogs.com;
Leslie.Schneider at ottobock.com; lkeivel at arthritis.org;
John.Hladkowicz at catsa.gc.ca; bbarnes at guidingeyes.org;
kboreyko at easterseals.com; jrepella at autism-society.org;
howard.rosenblum at nad.org; kgwhitford at apdaparkinson.org; Jenine at guidedog.org;
toni at iaadp.org; sc-tico at att.net; patrick.wojahn at ndrn.org;
ctyson at unitedspinal.org; gfsalamy at comcast.net; mpearlman at gmail.com;
bnichols at woundedwarriorproject.org; hfairman at woundedwarriorproject.org;
wolf-branigin at thearc.org; Karen.Hamilton at coramhc.com;
lgravenstein at yahoo.com; dzquale at bcan.org; abennewith at unitedspinal.org;
goble at thearc.org; richard at nutrishare.com
Cc: Jeremy.Buzzell at tsa.dhs.gov; Susan.Buckland at tsa.dhs.gov
Subject: Communication #7 - Potential Government Shutdown -

Dear Coalition Members:

As part of our efforts to keep Coalition members apprised of activities at
TSA, we are providing information on the effect of a potential government
closure.  If the government is closed, TSA's Contact Center
(TCC) will continue to operate and travelers can continue to call TSA Cares
to request assistance. For your convenience we have included the
TCC and TSA Cares contact information here in this email.   

*	The Contact Center hours are Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 11 p.m.,
Eastern time; weekends and federal holidays, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m., Eastern time.
The TCC can be reached at 866-289-9673. Passengers can also reach out to the
TSA Contact Center
(TCC) with questions about TSA procedures, upcoming travel or to provide
feedback or voice concerns. 
*	Travelers or families of passengers with disabilities and
medical conditions may call the TSA Cares
cal-conditions>  helpline toll free 855-787-2227, 72 hours prior to
traveling with any questions about screening policies, procedures and what
to expect at the security checkpoint. A TSA Cares helpline representative is
available during all TSA Contact Center hours. 

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