[nagdu] TAGDU Teleconference November 3rd, Sunday at 3 pm Central- Come join us!
jimmydagerman80 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 18 22:21:48 UTC 2013
Nagdu Memconsuelo johnsonnagdu Mem,
NAgdu Memphis Chris Spivey,
NAGDU TN Katherine Moore,
NAGDU TN Katherine Moore,
James Brown,
Ricky Tn Aa B A A,
Melissa Mayo,
Nagdu Luke Nashville,
James Alan Boehm,
gregg Boss Memphis,
Nagdu Stephaneie,
Nagdu Rachel S,
nagdu TN Nashville Jason Kennedy,
nagdu TN Nashville Jason Kennedy,
Nancynagdu Tn Badger,
Nagdu TNPhillis Johnson City,
NAGDU TN Mary Clarksville,
NAGDU TN Patty Thompson Clarksville,
NAGDU TN Patty Thompson Clarksville" <kgw2g at mtmail.mtsu.edu>
Participate In Our Teleconference- Win a Special Gift!
Greetings fellow guide dog users and supporters, I hope to find all of you well. Everyone is invited to join our Tennessee guide dog users in a upcoming teleconference.Let us plan for an exciting and invigorating teleconference the first Sunday in November, at 3 pn. Central time. Here is the call- in details:
Phone Number:
Access code 697514 followed by the pound sign.
We have many exciting things to discuss as we prepare for becoming an official affiliate in March 2014; this will be at the NFB state convention held in Nashville. There is assistance in the works for grant money so that all of us in Tennessee can be in attendance. If you are interested in such a provision, feel free to email me and let me know. If there are any items that you would like for us to discuss in our next teleconference,please email me sometime between now and the first of November. Current items in our agenda include and are not limited to our constitution, grant money, access issues recently faced by fellow TN guide dog user,highlights of the last NAGDU board meeting, community outreach, literature for dispersement in our community, and providing input for future discussions for upcoming TN NAGDU teleconferences. Everyone have a great weekend. Never hesitate to call or email me with any access issues, questions,or concerns at 901-483-1515 or jimmydagerman80 at gmail.com.
Jimmy and Shep
P.S.- Those in attendance for our teleconference will have the opportunity to win a special gift for you and your guide dog. This is our thank you for your support and input!
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