[nagdu] Guide Dog Schools
Larry D. Keeler
lkeeler at comcast.net
Thu Oct 31 22:58:50 UTC 2013
They do! Also, poodles, labradoodles and most of the other breeds are taught
and also picked for there temperment.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Shickeytha Chandler" <shickeytha at gmail.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Guide Dog Schools
> Thank you all for your responses. I have actually been leaning toward
> a lab or a golden because I have heard in the past that those types of
> dogs are very loyal and have an even temperament. But at the same
> time, I want to have an open mind and consider what other types of
> dogs might have to offer. By the way, I love the names of all three of
> your dogs. Great dog names!
> On 10/31/13, minh ha <minh.ha927 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Shickeytha,
>> I want to echo what Hannah said in her email. I am working with my
>> first guide, Viva from Guide Dogs for the Blind on their Oregon
>> campus. As a college student, financial and post-graduation support
>> were the two most critical aspects that I was looking for in a guide
>> dog school. I felt like GDB provided both of these and I really liked
>> their positive training methods as well as the respectful way they
>> treat their handlers. Regarding the breed of dog, I think that
>> ultimately needs to be your decision. Each individual has their
>> preference and people are going to tell you their choice is the best.
>> GDB only works with labs and golden retrievers. My girl is a lab and I
>> couldn't have asked for a better dog; she's extremely energetic and
>> playful, but she's an excellent worker once the harness goes on.
>> Minh
>> On 10/31/13, Chantel Cuddemi <jawsgirl87 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Welcome to the list!
>>> I am working my first dog from Pilot Dogs, a standard poodle named
>>> Motley!
>>> We've been a team for a year and eight months.
>>> Good luck with what school you choose!
>>> Chantel and Motley.
>>> On 10/31/13, Hannah Chadwick <sparklylicious at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hey,
>>>> Welcome to the list. I'm working my second guide, Spritz. She
>>>> is from Guide Dogs for the Blind. She is a black lab; I got her
>>>> over the summer.
>>>> Since I'm a college student and having had a previous dog that
>>>> was very high-maintenance, I knew I would need financial
>>>> assistance and after support. Those were two of the major things
>>>> I looked for when I applied to schools. The training methods
>>>> (positive vs negative) used in schools also mattered to me. Of
>>>> course which may vary on an individual and team basis, but I've
>>>> come to realize that food rewards go a long way. My first dog
>>>> was from Pilot because I wanted a poodle, but she retired after
>>>> almost a year. My training experience at Pilot was good, but I
>>>> wasn't as experienced so I didn't have the necessary tools to
>>>> manage such a high-strung dog. Please email me off-list if you
>>>> have further questions. Good luck with the application process
>>>> and all that.
>>>> Best, Hannah and Spritz
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: Shickeytha Chandler <shickeytha at gmail.com
>>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog
>>>> Users" <nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>>> Date sent: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 14:08:20 -0400
>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Guide Dog Schools
>>>> No problem. I understand that different people have different
>>>> experiences and perspectives, and I think it is important to
>>>> consider
>>>> both positive and negative. Thanks.
>>>> On 10/31/13, Mike <blinkin4342 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> As a Fidelco client I completely disagree with the statement
>>>> that Fidelco
>>>> has contract issues. The issues are definitely personal and not
>>>> Fidelco's
>>>> fault.
>>>> I have had nothing but good experiences with Fidelco over the
>>>> last three
>>>> years and I know a lot of people who feel the same way. There
>>>> are a certain
>>>> handful of folks on this list who have personal issues with
>>>> Fidelco and tend
>>>> to be much louder than the people who have good experiences.
>>>> You should definitely read the contract to make sure you are
>>>> aware of the
>>>> rules. That is the case with any guy dog school. Just keep an
>>>> open mind.
>>>> Every school has good and bad things. Every school has someone
>>>> who loves
>>>> them and hates them. I'd recommend that you decide what breed
>>>> you want, see
>>>> what school meets your needs the best, and go forward from
>>>> there.
>>>> Mike
>>>> On Oct 31, 2013, at 12:18 PM, "Larry D. Keeler"
>>>> <lkeeler at comcast.net
>>>> wrote:
>>>> First, watch out for Fidelco! They have contract issues. Before
>>>> you
>>>> decide, make sure you read and understand the contract. The
>>>> other thing,
>>>> schools when possible do give you a choice. Now always can they
>>>> accomidate
>>>> but usually they can. I went to Pilot because I wanted a
>>>> poodle. They
>>>> breed them down there. However, I ended up qith a labradoodle
>>>> wich is
>>>> almost as good! As for training at school or at home, I think it
>>>> would be
>>>> more useful to train at hom. But, if you know your
>>>> neighborhood, it
>>>> doesn't matter as much.
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Shickeytha Chandler"
>>>> <shickeytha at gmail.com
>>>> To: <nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>>> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 11:44 AM
>>>> Subject: [nagdu] Guide Dog Schools
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I am new to the list. I currently travel with a cane, but am
>>>> very
>>>> seriously considering getting a guide dog in the near future. I
>>>> am
>>>> doing research on guide dog schools to see which might be best
>>>> for me.
>>>> I am considering Fidelco, Guiding Eyes and the Seeing Eye. Does
>>>> anyone
>>>> on this list have either particularly positive or especially
>>>> negative
>>>> experiences with any of these schools? If so, I would be
>>>> interested to
>>>> hear your feedback. Also, I noticed that Fidelco does training
>>>> at your
>>>> residence, whereas the other schools bring you to their campuses
>>>> for
>>>> training. I would like to hear perspectives about the
>>>> disadvantages
>>>> and advantages of each of these methods of training.
>>>> Finally, I know that various types of dogs are trained as
>>>> guides,
>>>> ranging from labs to German Shepherds. I would like to know if
>>>> schools
>>>> give you a choice as to what type of dog you are paired with.
>>>> Also, I
>>>> would be interested to hear from anyone who has worked with dogs
>>>> of
>>>> various kinds; I'd like to know your thoughts as to whether
>>>> there are
>>>> distinct qualities that one breed possesses that another breed
>>>> does
>>>> not generally possess. Of course, I am sure all dogs are
>>>> unique, even
>>>> within a breed type.
>>>> I know that is a lot of questions for one email. Thanks in
>>>> advance for
>>>> any insight that you can provide.
>>>> Shickeytha
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>> --
>> "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty
>> recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity:
>> but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on
>> their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible." T. E. Lawrence
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