[nagdu] 6-month post-graduation progress report!

Daryl Marie crazymusician at shaw.ca
Tue Apr 1 21:26:53 UTC 2014


As of Thursday, it will be six months since Jenny and I graduated training... we have survived a winter of bitter cold, deep snow, job change, contractors in and out of the house, stress (hers and mine), sickness (mine), bad habits (hers... and a bit of mine), love, bonding, playing, snuggles and surprising days of both fantastic guide work and surprisingly bad distractions.

I can honestly say that Jenny and I are, on the whole, doing well.  Her scrounging habit is starting to get under control, I walk confidently with her even when *I* am not confident in where we're going.  We're working on finding seats and garbage cans... both of which she nailed yesterday (along with an added bonus of finding my locker in a row of 50), using more positive reinforcement as opposed to corrections, and remembering that she has two working eyes and I do not.

It has been a wonderful, exhilerating, exhausting, challenging experience, and I wouldn't trade the past six months for anything - even the days where I want to rip out my hair and ask myself how the school could assign someone such a stubborn willful dog... and then...  jenny will lift up her head eagerly for the harness, give my nose a kiss, and off we go to conquer the world.

Daryl and Jenny (who deserves a tiara)

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