[nagdu] Changing my Petting Policy
sleigland at bresnan.net
Wed Apr 30 15:28:48 UTC 2014
your right tracy It is much easier to control
tres than other people. I know that if Tres and I keep going on our way
it works out okay.
On 4/30/2014 6:30 AM, Tracy Carcione wrote:
> Hi Craig.
> I wouldn't necessarily say your mellowness about petting is because
> you're fairly new to guide dogs. I'm coming up on 34 years of
> dogness, and I feel about the same as you do, I think. When I was a
> newby, I was pretty uptight about it, but now not so much.
> I do usually tell people not to pet my dog, but sometimes I allow it,
> if they ask first. I'm sure a lot of sneaky petting happens that I
> don't know about, for instance, when I get up to get off the bus.
> None of my dogs seem to get excited by it, or even care. If Ben did
> seem to get excited, I'd get a bit more strict with him to remind him
> to have self-control. It's a lot easier for me to control my dog than
> to control the jokers on the street. Trying to control them just gives
> me agita.
> Tracy
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Craig Heaps"
> <craig.heaps at comcast.net>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 10:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Changing my Petting Policy
>> Well, I guess if there's anything I've gotten from this discussion
>> it's that we're all different.
>> I had a guy ask me today at the grocery store if he could pet Chase.
>> I said, almost reflexively, "Please don't." I know it was from
>> reading all these replies. It had made me hyper-aware. I usually
>> say, " I would rather you didn't. It distracts him while he's
>> working, and that's dangerous for both of us." But sometimes I say
>> okay. It really doesn't seem to make much difference as far as
>> Chase's behavior. I like to let children pet him. He's very sweet
>> and gentle, and it's a good dog expreience for the kids. If they're
>> old enough, I try to educate them about asking and why it's
>> important. I always make Chase sit to be petted.
>> I don't mind if they ask his name. It's usually the beginning of a
>> nice discussion about guide dogs. I get to promote the wonderful
>> people at GDB who gave me Chase. I get to talk to a lot of people
>> who were or who know puppy raisers.
>> Becasue I have some useable vision, I can see the sneaky petters.
>> Sometimes I call them on it, sometimes I don't.
>> I think a lot of my mellowness is probably because I've had Chase
>> less than a year and it's still new for me.
>> Craig and Chase (who doesn't really have another name.)
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