[nagdu] Pill Pocket Substitute

Nicole Torcolini ntorcolini at wavecable.com
Sat Aug 2 22:32:34 UTC 2014

Yes, I know how to give Lexia a pill without using a pill pocket. However,
neither of us like this method very much.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lori Dent [mailto:loriandleo at ohiohills.com] 
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 9:16 PM
To: Nicole Torcolini; NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide
Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Pill Pocket Substitute

Hi Nicole,

Have you tried using a little peanut butter on the pill and then give it to
your dog?

What I have found to work is if the dog in question refuses to take a pill
with a pill pocket or with peanut butter is  is to instead put the pill in
the back of your dogs mouth  by the dogs throat then hold the dogs mouth
closed and rub the dog's throat and blow a couple puffs into your dogs nose
and the pill should go down. I have done this with my dog and it does work. 
but beware the dog will try to spit the pill out. Give it a try if you like.

or not your decision. Take care.

Lori and the Gipper 

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