[nagdu] Relieving in and out of harness WAS Re: My guy dog: introduction
matthew dyer
ilovecountrymusic483 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 15:41:54 UTC 2014
I have been working my second dog Chriasy for a month or so and I always try to releave her before going out and when we get back. I also give her a chance before and after a walk. I am still learning her moves. I am going to try and get a bell for her to ring when she needs to go to the bathroom. I find that she is just too quiet for her own good sometimes. My last dog would bark or nug me but this one just kind of just wonders around until I take her out. As said before getting your dog on a good releaving scedual is very important.
On Aug 20, 2014, at 10:35 PM, Nicole Torcolini via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> I remove Lexia's harness when relieving her. I agree that nothing
> *inhibits* a dog from doing business, but a dog will learn that certain
> behaviors are not supposed to be exhibited when in harness. Even though I do
> tell Lexia, "Do your business", removing the harness and then letting her
> step onto grass/bark is a nonverbal queue for her to do her business, so it
> also has to do with communication for us. The one time that I remember Lexia
> pooping in harness was about a month after I got her. I do not remember if
> she tried to warn me or not as I had not learned all of her body language
> yet. I don't think that she even pulled over. It was one of those, I have to
> go ... Now ... Like it or not, so I am going to go. Luckily, it was outside.
> It was my fault, not hers. We were still a new team, so I had not figured
> out a good schedule yet.
> Lexia still chases her tail some, but not as much as when she was young.
> And, yes, she used to do the whole catch-it-and-keep-going thing. She will
> also chew on her tail if you hold it for her where she can reach it.
> As for the pooping in harness, I would do what people have told you to do.
> As he is still very new, take him out often, like six or seven or maybe even
> eight times a day and then have a party about it when he does his business.
> Stimulation does make dogs need to do their business, so, if he has not done
> his business before heading out for the day, be prepared to stop along the
> way. Finally, how is his stool? If his stool is irregular--soft, hard, small
> amounts very often--it could be indicative of some other problem such as
> needing a different food. Then again, things might just be topsy turby
> because it's a new environment with new smells and new people ... I will
> say, though, that fifteen months is really young. Try to be really patient
> with him for a few months as he matures a little.
> Nicole
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Daryl Marie via
> nagdu
> Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 7:36 AM
> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
> Subject: [nagdu] Relieving in and out of harness WAS Re: My guy dog:
> introduction
> I wonder if part of the logic of removing the harness is that the dog is not
> in public places without the harness. In harness, for example, the dog is
> not to get super sniffy, but most dogs do a bit of sniffing before
> relieving, so maybe this sends mixed messages to the dog?
> it took me about six months to be able to fully grasp Jenny's "I have to
> goooooo!" signals. She has only ever done her business once in harness, on a
> public sidewalk, when I was just not paying attention to the signals. it has
> been the only time she has ever done such a thing.
> When I first brought Jenny home, she actually relieved downstairs in the
> basement. I was horrified, the trainer was puzzled, and we started putting
> up a screen over the top of the basement stairs.
> We have a couple of theories here:
> 1) The cats litter box is downstairs, so perhaps Jenny thinks relieving is
> acceptable?
> 2) The previous owners of our house had rabbits, a dog, etc., and we know
> they kept the dog in one room of the house. The dog peed on the floor so
> much that that room only has a subfloor. We aren't sure if the dog relieved
> in the basement, but those people were real slobs, so nothing surprises us.
> In any event... Clare, congratulations on your new dog... he sounds sooooooo
> young! 15 months? WOW!
> All the best!
> Daryl
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Dan Weiner via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> To: clarebearwest at gmail.com, 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association
> of Guide Dog Users' <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 07:25:11 -0600 (MDT)
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] My guy dog: introduction
> First of all, my heartiest congratulations to you on your being matched with
> the Quincy Boy.
> What a cute sounding dog.
> He still I'm sure has a lot of puppy in him but I am sure he'll settle down.
> Now as far as relieving in harness.
> One big problem is that the schools don't teach the dogs to pull over or to
> do anything to indicate the need to relieve.
> What I think your main goal should be is not to think he will just stop
> needing to go while walking, but to try to learn his signs and give him
> extra times while walking and reward him a lot for going to the bathroom
> when you want him too and not just stopping in the middle and plop plop fizz
> fizz--smile.
> Some dogs speed up, some slow down, some start sniffing more, some pull over
> to the side, during a walk try to stop at several good places and get him to
> relieve and act like the lottery was just won if he does what he needs to do
> then.
> I have never agreed with the position that the harness is a natural urine
> and defecation inhibitor...dogs walk and their system is stimulated and
> things happen.
> Good luck.
> Here's what I'm thinking, figure out when during the walk this happens, try
> him several times around that time and get him hopefully to have the paws,
> or is it pause that refreshes.
> Dan the man, Parker the dog
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Clare Westlund
> via nagdu
> Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 8:52 AM
> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
> Subject: [nagdu] My guy dog: introduction
> Sent from my iPhone hi everyone! I return home this past day. I spent the
> last 3 1/2 weeks in Columbus Ohio at pilot dogs. I received a 75 pound male
> golden retriever named Quincy! And I are doing wonderfully. He's good work
> has been stellar except for the fact that he is unsure trashbags and he
> loves to pick up leaves. To play with his bone and spin in circles and
> chases tail! He is only 15 months old! He has a tendency to poop in harness.
> I am trying to figure out why that is. Perhaps it is stress? I am not sure.
> He only pooped in once while in training with me on the walk.
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