[nagdu] ear issues
Nicole Torcolini
ntorcolini at wavecable.com
Mon Dec 29 05:22:49 UTC 2014
What type of infection is it? It can also be an allergy to the environment,
in which case a human pill would work.
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of minh ha via nagdu
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2014 7:30 PM
To: Greg Aikens; NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog
Subject: Re: [nagdu] ear issues
It sounds like a food change is in order. If he's having a constant ear
infection, then I definitely think he's allergic to something in his food.
Giving him stronger antibiotics is going to help for a little while, but
it's not really addressing the heart of the problem.
Try switching him to a grain free limited diet food and see if his ear
infections go away or at least decrease in severity. Viva used to get ear
infections quite frequently, and still does to a point, but I switched her
over to a grain free food with limited ingredients and she's doing a lot
better. I hope you figure out what's going on with his ears; it's not fun at
all when they have helicopter ear syndrome.
On 12/27/14, Greg Aikens via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Per my vet's advice, I changed my dog's diet to something fish based.
> His ear issues have cleared up since then. His skin has cleared up
> some but we're still working on that one.
>> On Dec 27, 2014, at 7:24 PM, Danielle Sykora via nagdu
>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> For the first few months I had my dog, his ears were perfectly clean
>> all the time. About a month ago, one of his ears developed a pretty
>> severe infection. I took him to the vet and got an ear cleaner and
>> topical antibiotic to apply for one week. The infection seemed to
>> clear up after the week long course of antibiotic so I stopped
>> cleaning his ear. ever since then, his ear seems to get infected or
>> at least pretty dirty if I don't clean it on a daily basis. His other
>> ear is completely fine and I have only ever cleaned it once. Have any
>> of you experienced this with your dogs? Any suggestions as to how to
>> prevent this from happening?
>> Danielle and Thai, who is tired of having an itchy ear
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