[nagdu] With Snow on the Way, Fidelco Says Don't Forget Pets in Storm Preparations

Nicole Torcolini ntorcolini at wavecable.com
Fri Jan 3 06:03:01 UTC 2014

What class was this? I am not sure that it is true that all dogs have heart

-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Brandydp
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 9:20 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] With Snow on the Way,Fidelco Says Don't Forget Pets in
Storm Preparations

One thing I learned on class last month is that heart worm  is actually
something all dogs have. The medication isn't really a preventative it is to
kill the already existing heart worms. This is what I was told in my last
class. Never looked it up. Apparently the mosquito bite makes it active. I
hate chemicals also. They have natural defense as a flea and tic killer. I
stop give front line every other month in the winter but never ever stop the
heart worm. Heart worm is fatal. Once a dog has it there isn't anything
anyone can do. I have seen three dogs be put down. Honestly if I was in the
woods that much I would look into a natural flea medication or keep giving
the frontline because a tic can cause lime disease which also isn't pretty.
Again, I hate medications and chemicals and often worry about putting stuff
on and want to look into the natural stuff, but some things I don't want to
take chances on though. One thing I learned on class last month is that
heart work is actually something all dogs have. The medication isn't really
a preventative it is to kill the already existing heart worms. This is what
I was told in my last class. Never looked it up. Apparently the mosquito
bite makes it active. I hate chemicals also. They have natural defense as a
flea and tic killer. I stop give front line every other month in the winter
but never ever stop the heart worm. Heart worm is fatal. Once a dog has it
there isn't anything anyone can do. I have seen three dogs be put down.
Honestly if I was in the woods that much I would look into a natural flea
medication or keep giving the frontline because a tic can cause lime disease
which also isn't pretty. Again, I hate medications and chemicals and often
worry about putting stuff on and want to look into the natural stuff, but
some things I don't want to take chances on though. 

brandy pinder
Alumni Council -  second vice Chairman
Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, IncR and America's VetDogsR, The
Veteran's K-9 Corps IncR Providing "Second uSight"R since 1946

371 E. Jericho Turnpike smith town ny 11766
Cso: 866-282-8047
Email: brandydp at verizon.net
Cell: 304-685-4499

> On Jan 2, 2014, at 11:56 PM, Raven Tolliver <ravend729 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Steve,
> I stand corrected. I did some research and found that , yes, the deer 
> tick can still rear its ugly head in cold temperatures.
> Fortunately, coconut oil is a flea and tick repellent, so no matter 
> what happens, my golden guide is in the clear.
> There are other natural oils that work too, so the poison is 
> unnecessary regardless. Another plus is that the oils are less costly 
> than the poisons.
> My guide and I definitely travel in the woods; we're surrounded by 
> them. My college campus is 110 acres, and about 90 of those acres are 
> woods. We work and play in the woods regularly throughout the year, 
> and we've never had any pest problems.
>> On 1/2/14, Steven Johnson <blinddog3 at charter.net> wrote:
>> Raven,
>> Your advice is good, but the deer tick can actually sometimes still 
>> be found surviving in these bitterly cold temps.  Although my guide 
>> does not go out into the woods or is in any areas that this could 
>> possibly occur, it can and does occur.
>> Steve
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Raven 
>> Tolliver
>> Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 12:07 PM
>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] With Snow on the Way, Fidelco Says Don't Forget 
>> Pets in Storm Preparations
>> This article offers great advice about preventing dogs from getting 
>> into poisons and about winter safety.
>> I have to disagree with 2 things here though.
>> 1. when it comes to temperature, use your dog as a guide. If you 
>> notice your dog shivering, huddling up, or dancing around on the cold 
>> pavement, then yes, by all means get them a jacket or coat and try to 
>> work inside as much as possible. If your dog is like mine, and 
>> absolutely loves the cold weather and would sit, work, and play out 
>> in it seemingly for hours, then you have nothing to worry about as 
>> far as the temperature itself.
>> 2. there is no point to giving heartworm, and flea and tick 
>> preventives during cold weather. Heartworm comes from mosquitoes. 
>> Like mosquitoes, fleas and ticks are bugs that thrive in warm, humid 
>> temperatures.
>> Here in West Michigan It's cold from mid-October to mid-may.
>> Mosquitoes ain't livin' and fleas and ticks cain't thrive when the 
>> temperature never rises above 50dg for more than a day. So if you 
>> live in areas where temperatures are frigid, these bugs are not a 
>> problem, no question.
>> Insect preventives are poisons that kill bugs. If they poison bugs, 
>> they poison our dogs. Why would you give your dog more of the poison 
>> than is necessary? Would you spray your house down with Raid if there 
>> wasn't a chance of ants coming around? I wouldn't think so. So for 
>> the sake of your dog's health, don't give them the poison if what it 
>> is supposed to kill is not even present.
>> Now this is a personal choice, but I do not give preventives during 
>> cold weather. Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes need heat and humidity in 
>> order to survive. I only have one dog, and I also clean more 
>> frequently than most people. I vacuum my apartment every three or 
>> four days, and I vacuum all the furniture that my dog lays on once a 
>> week.
>> I wash the coverings of my dog's bed, crate pad, and the couch 
>> cushions every two weeks.
>> Also, I rub down my dog with cold-pressed unrefined coconut oil about 
>> once every week or two. I rub the oil in up from his tail to his 
>> head, and up from his paws to his shoulders. I comb and brush this
>> Adding lavender oil helps as well. This treatment moisturizes the 
>> skin and naturally repels fleas without poisoning your dog.
>> Here are several links to eliminate the hype about fleas, ticks, and 
>> heart worm.
>> fleas and ticks:
>> http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/non-toxic-flea-and-tick-control/
>> heartworms
>> https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/heartworm-medication-part-2/
>> spot-on solutions/poisons
>> https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/poisoning-fleas-pets-and-kids/
>>> On 1/2/14, Ginger Kutsch <GingerKutsch at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> With Snow on the Way, Fidelco Says Don't Forget Pets in Storm 
>>> Preparations
>>> Life - The Litchfield County Times
>>> http://www.countytimes.com/articles/2014/01/02/life/doc52c57792639a6
>>> 15
>>> 514214
>>> 6.txt?viewmode=fullstory
>>> BLOOMFIELD, Conn. - Winter weather isn't just hazardous to people, 
>>> it's dangerous for our pets, too! As Connecticut braces for a winter
>> wallop, Dr.
>>> RuthAnn Solomon DVM, Director of Animal Medicine at the Fidelco 
>>> Guide Dog Foundation wants residents to remember these key points to 
>>> keep their pets warm and safe. By planning ahead of the storm, pets 
>>> and people will be properly prepared!
>>> Keep your pets inside! All pets need shelter and insulation from the 
>>> cold.
>>> Cats and dogs may wear fur coats but they aren't equipped to be out 
>>> in freezing temperatures for long periods of time. Domesticated 
>>> animals are not adapted to the cold like wolves or bobcats. Bottom 
>>> line- if it's too cold for you to stay outside, it's too cold for your
>>> If you absolutely must keep an animal outside, be certain it has an 
>>> insulated shelter, access to plenty of fresh (not frozen) water and 
>>> increase their food to two times normal serving, e.g., if they get 
>>> one cup of kibble per meal, give them two cups for that meal. A 
>>> pet's energy requirements increase to maintain body temperature 
>>> (shivering for example) and those living in a very cold climate have 
>>> a greater caloric need just to stay warm than the average dog that 
>>> lives indoors.
>>> If you need to go outside during the storm, limit exposure and make 
>>> sure your dog is on a leash and wearing an ID tag. During heavy 
>>> snowfall, they can lose their scent and become lost. More dogs get 
>>> lost during winter than any other time of year.
>>> Keep candles, heat lamps and space heaters away from pets, children 
>>> and flammable materials. These are all burn and fire hazards. 
>>> Inspect any pet heating blankets or pads for frays or exposed wires, 
>>> and never leave a pet unattended with such a device.
>>> For those that use Duraflame logs, those logs are actually sawdust 
>>> pulled together with wax. Those two ingredients make for an 
>>> attractive snack for dogs! Duraflame log ingestion will usually just 
>>> cause mild gastric upset; however the problem arises when the dog 
>>> eats a big piece which could cause an intestinal obstruction. So 
>>> please leave these logs of convenience well out of reach of your pets.
>>> Protect those paws! Ice and snow can easily collect between paw pads.
>>> Check your dog's feet periodically, especially if they are limping 
>>> or walking awkwardly.
>>> Keep dogs off the ice and away from frozen bodies of water. Thin ice 
>>> poses a grave danger for pets and humans alike, and even a walk on 
>>> an icy sidewalk puts your pet at risk of injuries like torn 
>>> ligaments and footpads.
>>> Salt, antifreeze (ethylene glycol) and chemical de-icers on roads 
>>> and sidewalks are dangerous for your pet. Dogs that lick their paws 
>>> or fur and ingest these substances can become ill. Wipe your pup's 
>>> paws, legs and stomach with a warm, wet washcloth after walks and
outdoor playtime.
>>> Speaking of antifreeze, there are two commercial products available 
>>> in the US that have a "safer" chemical (propylene glycol) in them: 
>>> Sierra and LowTox. However, just because they are safer does not 
>>> mean that they are non-toxic! For example, it would only take ONE 
>>> teaspoon of ethylene glycol antifreeze (more dangerous form) to be 
>>> deadly to a 7lb cat. It would take several ounces of the safer form to
be a problem.
>>> Take extra care with puppies and older dogs, especially those with 
>>> arthritis. Wet, cold weather can worsen arthritis symptoms. Do not 
>>> leave young, old or sick dogs outside unattended at any time.
>>> Certain medical conditions like diabetes can affect your pet's 
>>> ability to regulate body temperature. Check with your veterinarian.
>>> Further, winter does not necessarily mean the end of bug season.
>>> Likewise, winter does not mean you should stop giving heartworm, 
>>> flea, and tick preventatives to your cherished companions. As the 
>>> old saying
>>> goes: It is better to be safe than sorry and continuous use of these 
>>> preventatives is the simplest act you can make to keep your pet safe.
>>> Lastly, have the following numbers programmed into your charged cell
>> phone:
>>> -Your veterinarian
>>> -Local animal emergency clinic
>>> -Poison Control (1-800-222-1222)
>>> -ASPCA Poison Control (1-888-426-4435)
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>> --
>> Raven
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> --
> Raven
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