[nagdu] OT National Deaf-Blind Equipment Program
Amber M
thetraveler87 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 22:58:21 UTC 2014
Perhaps this is not my place, and I am totally not trying to start a huge argument, but I am just curious what exactly this had to do with guide dogs? I read the whole email, and I did not see anything. Again, I am not really trying to complain or anything, and I do recognize that we have a lot of death blind people on this list. However, it is supposed to pertain to guide dogs and I honestly already have a lot of email. I just am curious as to why this was posted to this list.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 15, 2014, at 10:45 AM, Becky Frankeberger via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Released: July 1, 2014
> EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM Washington, D.C. - The Consumer and
> Governmental Affairs Bureau (CGB) of the Federal Communications Commission
> (FCC) announces the state funding allocations for the National Deaf-Blind
> Equipment Distribution Program (NDBEDP) for the 2014-2015 Fund year.
> The NDBEDP is a program mandated by section 105 of the Twenty-First Century
> Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA) that provides funding of
> up to $10 million annually for the distribution of communications equipment
> to low-income individuals who are deaf-
> blind.1 On April 4, 2011, the Commission adopted the NDBEDP Pilot Order,
> establishing the framework for a pilot program to fulfill this CVAA
> mandate.2 In that Order, the Commission determined that it would certify one
> entity per state as eligible to receive support for the local distribution
> of equipment to low-income individuals who are deaf-blind.3 On July 2, 2012,
> after an application and selection process, the Commission announced the
> entities that had been selected as certified programs to participate in the
> NDBEDP and informed them of the respective state allocations for the
> 2012-2013 Fund year.4
> For each year of the pilot program, the Commission sets aside $500,000 of
> the $10 million (annually allocated for the NDBEDP) for national outreach
> efforts.5 The remaining $9.5 million of annual funding is used to reimburse
> NDBEDP certified programs for the reasonable costs of operating
> 1 Pub. L. 111-260, 124 Stat. 2751 (2010); see also Pub. L. 111-265,
> 124 Stat. 2795 (2010) (providing technical corrections to the CVAA).
> Section 105 of the CVAA adds Section 719 to the Communications Act of 1934,
> as amended, and is codified at 47 U.S.C. ? 620. The CVAA allows the
> Commission to allocate these funds from the Interstate Telecommunications
> Relay Service Fund (TRS Fund).
> 2 See Implementation of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video
> Accessibility Act of 2010, Section 105, Relay Services for Deaf-Blind
> Individuals, Report and Order, 26 FCC Rcd 5640 (2011) (NDBEDP Pilot Order).
> The NDBEDP pilot program was established to run for two years, with an
> option for the Commission to extend the pilot for another year. Id. at
> 5649, ? 22. The Commission recently extended the pilot program for a third
> year. See Implementation of the Twenty-First Century Communications and
> Video Accessibility Act of 2010, Section 105, Relay Services for Deaf-Blind
> Individuals, Public Notice, 29 FCC Rcd 1234 (CGB 2014).
> 3 NDBEDP Pilot Order at 5646, ? 12.
> 4 Commission Announces Entities Certified to Participate in the National
> Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program, Public Notice, 27 FCC Rcd 7397
> (CGB 2012).
> 5 See NDBEDP Pilot Order, 26 FCC Rcd at 5675-76, ? 80. The Commission
> announced the selection of the Perkins School for the Blind to conduct
> national outreach efforts to promote the NDBEDP pilot. See Perkins School
> for the Blind to Conduct National Outreach for the National Deaf-Blind
> Equipment Distribution Program, Public Notice,
> 27 FCC Rcd 6143 (CGB 2012). For this effort, the Perkins School for the
> Blind is partnering with the Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind
> Youths and Adults, FableVision, Inc., and other national and local consumer
> groups, parent groups, agencies, and associations. Id.
> 2their programs in compliance with the Commission's NDBEDP rules.6 Funding
> allocations for the 2012-
> 2013 and 2013-2014 Fund years were calculated by allocating a minimum base
> amount of $50,000 for each jurisdiction plus a portion of the remaining
> available funding in an amount proportionate to the population of each
> jurisdiction.7 Allocations for the 2014-2015 Fund year were calculated by
> using the same formula with the most current census population estimates and
> appear below:8 State NDBEDP Certified Program Funding Allocation for
> 2014-2015
> Alabama Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind $ 153,520
> Alaska Assistive Technology of Alaska $ 65,744
> Arizona Perkins School for the Blind $ 191,918
> Arkansas Perkins School for the Blind $ 113,379
> California Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired $ 870,939
> Colorado Colorado Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing $
> 162,829
> Connecticut Connecticut Tech Act Project $ 127,015
> Delaware University of Delaware - Center For Disabilities Studies $
> 69,826
> Florida Florida Telecommunications Relay, Inc. $ 468,749
> Georgia Georgia Council for the Hearing Impaired $ 263,995
> Hawaii Island Skill Gathering $ 80,070
> Idaho University of Idaho - Idaho Assistive Technology Project $
> 84,526
> Illinois The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually
> Impaired $ 325,887
> Indiana To Be Determined $ 190,724
> Iowa Iowa Utilities Board $ 116,185
> Kansas Assistive Technology for Kansans $ 111,978
> Kentucky Eastern Kentucky University Center on Deafness and Hearing
> Loss $ 144,131
> Louisiana Affiliated Blind of Louisiana Training Center $ 149,060
> Maine Maine Center on Deafness $ 78,447
> Maryland Perkins School for the Blind $ 176,973
> Massachusetts Perkins School for the Blind $ 193,335
> Michigan Michigan Commission for the Blind $ 261,927
> Minnesota To Be Determined $ 166,084
> Mississippi Perkins School for the Blind $ 114,060
> Missouri Missouri Assistive Technology $ 179,444
> Montana Perkins School for the Blind $ 71,741
> Nebraska Nebraska Assistive Technology Partnership $ 90,017
> Nevada Perkins School for the Blind $ 109,754
> New Hampshire Northeast Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, Inc. $
> 78,344
> New Jersey New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired $
> 240,591
> New Mexico Perkins School for the Blind $ 94,659
> New York Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youth and Adults
> $ 470,854
> North Carolina North Carolina Division of Services for the Deaf and
> the Hard of Hearing $ 260,909
> North Dakota Interagency Program for Assistive Technology $ 65,492
> Ohio Ohio Deaf-Blind Outreach Program $ 297,804
> Oklahoma Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services $ 132,465
> Oregon Access Technologies, Inc. $ 134,167
> Pennsylvania Institute on Disabilities - Temple University $ 323,567
> Rhode Island Perkins School for the Blind $ 72,519
> South Carolina Perkins School for the Blind $ 152,259
> South Dakota South Dakota Department of Human Services $ 68,094
> Tennessee Tennessee Regulatory Authority $ 189,120
> Texas Perkins School for the Blind $ 616,422
> Utah Utah Public Service Commission $ 112,126
> Vermont Perkins School for the Blind $ 63,420
> Virginia Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing $
> 226,907
> Washington Department of Social and Health Services - Office of the
> Deaf and Hard of Hearing $ 199,301
> West Virginia Perkins School for the Blind $ 89,712
> Wisconsin Public Service Commission of Wisconsin $ 172,987
> Wyoming Wyoming Institute for Disabilities - University of Wyoming $
> 62,478
> Washington, DC Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind $ 63,845
> Puerto Rico Perkins School for the Blind $ 127,422
> U.S. Virgin Islands Perkins School for the Blind $ 52,279
> ACCESSIBLE FORMATS: To request materials in accessible formats for people
> with disabilities (Braille, large print, electronic files, audio format),
> send an e-mail to fcc504 at fcc.gov <mailto:fcc504 at fcc.gov> or call the
> Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau at 202-418-0530 (voice),
> 202-418-0432 (TTY).
> FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jackie Ellington, Consumer and
> Governmental Affairs Bureau, 202-418-1153, e-mail Jackie.Ellington at fcc.gov
> <mailto:Jackie.Ellington at fcc.gov> ; or Rosaline Crawford, Consumer and
> Governmental Affairs Bureau, 202-418-2075, e-mail Rosaline.Crawford at fcc.gov
> <mailto:Rosaline.Crawford at fcc.gov> .
> -FCC-
> Becky Frankeberger
> Butterfly Knitting
> - Ponchos
> - Afghans
> - Shawls
> - Custom Knitting
> 360-426-8389
> becky at butterflyknitting.com
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