[nagdu] Sound/body cues?
minh ha
minh.ha927 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 19 22:22:00 UTC 2014
This is a really interesting topic. Like Raven, I snap my fingers to
get Viva's attention back on me and to get her to stop sniffing.
Sometimes the "leave it" command works, but when it doesn't, I'll snap
once by her head level and she stops right away. I also double tap my
thigh as a "heel" command. I taught her to come and lean up right
against my thigh and stay there while I put her leash on or do
whatever I have to. I don't know if other schools teach this, but at
GDB, we use the leash to give simple cues like "sit" and "down" if the
dogs aren't listening or if we can't use a verbal command. I often use
the leash to signal Viva when I'm at church or a meeting. I will also
put my hand gently on the base of her back by the tail area to signal
a sit.
On 3/19/14, Larry D. Keeler <lkeeler at comcast.net> wrote:
> interesting. That one is often used to sign dog in ASL or to try and get the
> dog to come. I guess the commands are sound ones. I try really hard and am
> fairly successful with hand commands. Often I'm in meetings where I would
> prefer not to speak while working Holly. So, hand commands or sometimes a
> wuick touch such as on the middle of her back to have her sit works really
> well.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Raven Tolliver" <ravend729 at gmail.com>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 4:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Sound/body cues?
>> During training, one of the sound cues my class was taught was to
>> double tap our thigh to cue our dogs to sit. Dunno why that was the
>> only cue that had a sound cue rather than a hand signal.
>> With the Golden Guy, I also snap to get his attention while working.
>> Most of the time, it's when he is hell bent on going in our routine
>> direction or through a frequented set of doors, and I want to go
>> somewhere else. In that instance, I will sweep over his head and point
>> in the desired direction or just snap in that general direction to get
>> him to turn immediately.
>> It's interesting that Jenny doesn't respond to hand signals well.
>> Whenever I train dogs, I almost always teach hand gestures before I
>> introduce verbal cues. I understand that all trainers don't do this
>> though.
>> When we first got our dogs, a fellow classmate would tap her feet near
>> her dog's head to get her to stop sniffing while lying down.
>> I'm curious about snapping while working to get your dog to slow down
>> or sync up with your stride. Does Jenny seem to be getting the hang of
>> it?
>> On 3/19/14, Daryl Marie <crazymusician at shaw.ca> wrote:
>>> Hey!
>>> Just been starting to use sound cues with Jenny in addition to, or
>>> instead
>>> of, the original hand signals that she doesn't seem to respond to.
>>> Lately,
>>> if she's not sitting when she needs to, I tap my foot, or if she's not
>>> walking steady, I snap my fingers in a rhythm with my feet to focus her
>>> a
>>> bit.
>>> Does anyone have any other pointers? Successes? Questions...
>>> Daryl and the awesome Jenny girl
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>> Raven
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