[nagdu] possibly switching dog food, advice would be welcome

Tai Blas taiablas at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 17:10:38 UTC 2014

What do you do when traveling?

Tai Tomasi
J.D. Candidate, class of 2014
Email: tai.tomasi8 at gmail.com
Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse my brevity and any grammatical errors.

> On Mar 20, 2014, at 8:46 AM, Raven Tolliver <ravend729 at gmail.com> wrote:
> You certainly don't need a big freezer to feed raw. I live in an
> apartment with a roommate, and our freezer is above our fridge. I
> think it's something like 4.7 cubic ft. Believe it or not, I can fit
> about 50 lbs of dog food, in addition to roughly 15 lbs of meat for my
> roommate and I. And there's room to spare. A mini fridge's freezer
> wouldn't be sufficient, but a small freezer definitely provides enough
> space for a month's worth of food.
>> On 3/20/14, Vivianna <irishana at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I agree with Raven.
>> when i got my dog she had loose and sloppy stools.  i took her to the vet
>> who quickly proscribed antibiotics.  needless to say, she was on 3 different
>> courses of the antibiotics and still had sloppy stools after 8 months.
>> finally, i gave up on the vet and the super expensive science diet food that
>> they had me giving her.
>> i went with herbs and natural remedies and switched to, taste of the wild,
>> as, i was living in an apartment and had only a small freezer.  but, i knew
>> where i would be going with this dog.
>> so, next, she got an ear infection o.o, and, yes, while i had her at the vet
>> for that they noticed that her anal glands needed expressing.
>> that was only a couple months ago.
>> her stools had firmed up a lot but were still not like they should be and, i
>> was not thrilled with the constant health issues.
>> i have moved and now have a big freezer and, 2 days after i moved i started
>> switching her to raw.
>> for the veggie part of her diet i give her those raw patties with tripe and
>> veg in them once or twice a week.  they are kind of expensive but, she loves
>> em.
>> Vivianna
>>> On Mar 20, 2014, at 2:39 AM, Raven Tolliver <ravend729 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Kathy,
>>> The truth of the matter is that many of the more expensive dog food
>>> brands lack those ingredients that cause health issues in dogs, or are
>>> just downright toxic. A dog's diet should not include msg, salt, soy,
>>> grains, or carbohydrates of any kind. And many sources even say that
>>> out of all the processed dog foods, kibble is the worst. Too, many of
>>> those premium brands are still unhealthy and unnatural.
>>> http://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/canine-nutrition/dog-food-carbohydrates/
>>> The canine is a carnivore species. Look at their dentition and their
>>> digestive tracts. First, dogs do not have flat molars, and dogs' lower
>>> mandibles do not move from side to side to allow for the proper
>>> crushing and chewing of fruits and veggies. Instead their teeth are
>>> pointed and come together in a scissors bite. This is why it is
>>> encouraged to chop up fruits and veggies before feeding them to a dog.
>>> Also, if you read any diets that promote the feeding of fruits and
>>> veggies, you will see that they encourage steaming, pureeing, or
>>> preparing fruits and veggies in a way that breaks down the outer layer
>>> of cellulose. Why? Because a dog does not possess the digestive
>>> enzymes to break this down in order to obtain nutrients. So feeding
>>> green beans or carrots does provide fiber, but those things are just
>>> fillers and do not provide nutrients unless you prepare it. Guess who
>>> cooked for dogs when they were out in the wild?
>>> Furthermore, digestion for dogs starts in the stomach, not in the
>>> mouth. This is why dogs do not chew their food so finely as we do.
>>> Chomp, chomp, chomp, swallow. And the food is down. The stomach acid
>>> will take care of the rest.
>>> http://rawfed.com/myths/omnivores.html
>>> In addition, the cooking process destroys nutrients. If you want
>>> proof, look at the list of ingredients for your dog food of choice.
>>> Then answer this question: why do they have to add a gamut of vitamins
>>> and minerals to the meats, fruits, and veggies listed? Answer: because
>>> all the nutrients for those foods were destroyed during the cooking
>>> process, so a vitamin premix must be sprayed on. Oh and most of these
>>> premixes or many of their ingredients come from China or India.
>>> https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/why-kibble-harming-dogs/
>>> Kibble is also laden with toxic chemicals such as molds, carcinogens,
>>> and flame retardants.
>>> https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/kibble-never-a-good-option/
>>> Oh, and want to know what else is in kibble? Various dead and diseased
>>> animals, and farming/manufacturing waste.
>>> http://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/dog-food-industry-exposed/shocking-truth-about-dog-food/
>>> http://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/choosing-dog-food/animal-by-products/
>>> http://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/choosing-dog-food/dog-food-grain-by-products/
>>> http://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/helpful-dog-food-articles/
>>> Now why do many people feed raw? The better question is why don't
>>> people feed raw? Tell me what's better than having complete control
>>> over the ingredients in your dog's food. What's better than knowing
>>> that your dog is eating a species appropriate diet, day in and day
>>> out, and is reaping the benefits, cleaner teeth, fresher breath,
>>> easier digestion, and absorbing every part of their meals as
>>> nutrients. Raw fed dogs also have smaller, less frequent stools
>>> because their is little waste material passing through their digestive
>>> systems, which means the dog is consuming nutrient-rich foods and
>>> absorbing nutrients. Healthy raw-fed dogs generally poop once a day,
>>> some, such as the Golden Guy, even poop once every 2 days.
>>> As for how I even switched. I used to be on the kibble train. I didn't
>>> even know that other types of dog food existed, other than canned
>>> food. I was lied to by the guide dog school, and told that kibble was
>>> better than canned food because it cleans a dog's teeth. Okay, don't
>>> even get me started.
>>> http://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/choosing-dog-food/dry-dog-food-cleaner-teeth/
>>> So I fed kibble. First, it was the anal glands. They needed expressing
>>> every 6 weeks. I would always ask what things I could do to minimize
>>> or eliminate the need for this. All three vets I went to informed me
>>> that some dogs have this problem and others don't. Okay, so what was I
>>> supposed to do?
>>> Then, the chronic ear infections. First every other month, then none
>>> during the winter, then a monthly infection from April to October. I
>>> went to three different vets again, looking for the solution to my
>>> problems. All of them kept saying well, it could be seasonal
>>> allergies, or food allergies, or a yeast overgrowth. Okay, so I needed
>>> to switch his food. I embarked on a search for different dog foods on
>>> my own. Why? Because every vet I went to said Iams was a good dog
>>> food. Anyone who claimed that did not have my dog's best interests at
>>> heart.
>>> So I went through some top notch dog food brands after getting off
>>> Iams, which is what the school fed their dogs. I went from Acana, to
>>> Canidae, to Wellness Core, and I even tried a couple different recipes
>>> within each brand. I knew that systemic issues took time to clear up,
>>> so I gave each formula about 3 months. But I still researched
>>> furiously, trying to figure out what on God's green earth was causing
>>> the ear infections and the anal gland issues! It was driving me up the
>>> wall, and I could not imagine what the Golden Guy was going through.
>>> I looked into feeding canned dog food, dehydrated, freeze-dried, and
>>> even cooking my dog's food. It was too much. The calculating,
>>> preparation, and work involved. I threw in the towel on process dog
>>> food, and I have not looked back. And you know what? No ear
>>> infections, and no more scooting or anal gland issues. I feed my dog
>>> as nature intended, and it is easy and stress-free. I don't have to
>>> worry about recalls, contamination, harmful chemicals in the food, or
>>> a change in recipe. I am done playing with fire and burning my dog.
>>> I tell this story because I want to save people from going through
>>> what I went through. These issues are so minor, and so easily fixed.
>>> Sometimes, it takes minor and/or major health problems to persuade
>>> people to feed raw.
>>> If your dog is experiencing chronic ear infections, your dog is trying
>>> to get rid of toxins in his body. One of the primary ways to get rid
>>> of toxins is through the skin, note things like anal gland issues,
>>> allergies displayed through the skin and coat, and ear infections.
>>> That stuff has to come out somehow. Probiotics will not help you if
>>> you continue to put the very same toxins into your dog that your dog
>>> is trying to get rid of. It's like solving a vitamin deficiency by
>>> taking a multi vitamin while consuming a diet of junk food, or
>>> unhealthy food in the least. It doesn't work. Trust me, I tried it my
>>> sophomore year of college. Change the diet altogether. Feed your dog a
>>> diet that promotes good gut flora, then perhaps add in probiotics if
>>> you still feel it is necessary. Probiotics are not necessary in a
>>> healthy dog eating a species appropriate diet.
>>> If you want to learn more about raw vs. kibble and why raw, check out
>>> the links below:
>>> http://rawfed.com/myths/index.html
>>> www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com
>>> www.rawlearning.com
>>> http://www.rawmeatybones.com/petowners.php
>>>> On 3/20/14, Tai Blas <taiablas at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi! My dog gets ear infections once a month. I have only had her three
>>>> months and she has had an infection each of those months. Can you
>>>> recommend
>>>> a probiotic? C
>>>> Tai Tomasi
>>>> J.D. Candidate, class of 2014
>>>> Email: tai.tomasi8 at gmail.com
>>>> Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse my brevity and any grammatical
>>>> errors.
>>>>> On Mar 19, 2014, at 10:47 PM, Brandy Pinder <bdpinder at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I am all for taste of the wild. It's grain free, on the less expensive
>>>>> side. For some reason pinta had that smell that has either subsided
>>>>> from
>>>>> switching to wellness grain free or the numerous dry shampoo and wipes
>>>>> I
>>>>> have discovered.
>>>>> Kathy I switched to quote unquote more expensive food because I feel,
>>>>> especially for my dog who has had past ear infections, is healthier
>>>>> over
>>>>> all. Dogs do not eat grain such as corn in the wild and grain can cause
>>>>> many allergies. Also, I have found I pay the same price because on
>>>>> foods
>>>>> like purina and iams I would be feeding at least three cups whereas
>>>>> with
>>>>> wellness she is eating two cups. I noticed when I switched my previous
>>>>> dog
>>>>> to blue buffalo as opposed to euk she didn't seem hungry at all between
>>>>> meals and didn't start asking for her dinner extremely early. The quote
>>>>> unquote more expensive brands and especially grain free have higher
>>>>> protein whereas the quote unquote less expensive have more
>>>>> carbohydrates
>>>>> which I'm sure every one has noticed eggs keep you more full in the
>>>>> morning as opposed to oat meal. Lastly, my main reason at first is that
>>>>> I
>>>>> lived alone and though I could pick up purina from my grocery store
>>>>> sometimes they didn't have it or I went to the one closer to home which
>>>>> only carries small bags. When I went on pet food direct and pet flow
>>>>> five
>>>>> years ago blue buffalo was fifty two a bad. Purina was forty five while
>>>>> at
>>>>> the store it was thirty five so I'm thinking for seven dollars more I
>>>>> can
>>>>> get a much better food, however if a grocery store is convenient then
>>>>> yes
>>>>> those brands would be cheaper. Raven will explain this much better.
>>>>> Smile.
>>>>> I am in no way saying that a person who feeds the less expensive brands
>>>>> are bad. Do I think my dog will live longer eating a grain free food?
>>>>> Not
>>>>> really. Do I think anyone feeding iams is bad? No of course not. This
>>>>> just
>>>>> works for me and I can't deny the fact that my school let me know she
>>>>> had
>>>>> had numerous ear infections and was I ok with that and when I brought
>>>>> her
>>>>> home she had one, in the last seven months nothing. I strongly feel it
>>>>> is
>>>>> the grain free food and the probiotics
>>>>> brandy pinder
>>>>> Alumni Council -  second vice Chairman
>>>>> Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc®
>>>>> and America's VetDogs®, The Veteran's K-9 Corps Inc®
>>>>> Providing "Second uSight"® since 1946
>>>>> 371 E. Jericho Turnpike smith town ny 11766
>>>>> Cso: 866-282-8047
>>>>> Email: brandydp at verizon.net
>>>>> Cell: 304-685-4499
>>>>>> On Mar 19, 2014, at 10:42 PM, "Kathy Davis" <kdavisnfbf at cfl.rr.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>>> This is Kathy Davis and I am new to the NAGDU list. I have received
>>>>>> all 5 of my dogs from The Seeing Eye. I now have a handsome Black male
>>>>>> Lab
>>>>>> by the name of Wade who will be three in mid July.
>>>>>> I have had wonderful luck with Purina Pro Plan after feeding my
>>>>>> previous guides Neutro. Wade does great on this food and I wouldn't
>>>>>> even
>>>>>> consider changing. It is a reasonable cost and is carried by Pet
>>>>>> Supermarket, Petmart and no doubt on line as well. I am wondering why
>>>>>> so
>>>>>> many of you are choosing to use some of the more expensive brands of
>>>>>> food
>>>>>> and why others are opting to feed raw.
>>>>>> You have some interesting discussions and I think I'll enjoy the
>>>>>> list. By the way, I should tell you that I am a board member of FLAGDU
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> have been very active in the NFB of Florida for many years. I reside
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> Ormond Beach just north of Daytona Beach.
>>>>>> I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you better with time
>>>>>> and I'm happy to put in my two cents worth when the topic at hand
>>>>>> could
>>>>>> possibly benefit from my input.
>>>>>> Kathy and Wade the wonderful
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Vivianna
>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 6:10 PM
>>>>>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] possibly switching dog food, advice would be
>>>>>> welcome
>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>> Try this website;
>>>>>> www.chewie.com
>>>>>> they have loads of dog foods to look through with lists of
>>>>>> ingredients.
>>>>>> if
>>>>>> you ring them up they will give you advice and, top that off with free
>>>>>> delivery.
>>>>>> i personally am using Taste of the Wild in the mornings and feeding
>>>>>> raw
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> the evenings.  i am switching to a RMB diet completely.
>>>>>> but, that's not for everyone, i am aware of that.
>>>>>> HTH.
>>>>>> Vivianna
>>>>>> On Mar 19, 2014, at 4:54 PM, Laurel and Stockard
>>>>>> <laurel.stockard at gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hey all,
>>>>>>> I don't post much, but occasionally, I need advice. I've got my guide,
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>> female labrador in great health, on natural balance duck and potato
>>>>>> along
>>>>>> with my family's pet labrador, also in great health. My guide is 5 and
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> half and our pet is a little over 2. I've got to switch Stockard my
>>>>>> guide
>>>>>> as
>>>>>> well as our pet dog off the natural balance because it's running 60
>>>>>> dollars
>>>>>> a bag of late and I can't really afford that. I'd like to know what
>>>>>> brands
>>>>>> you use, and what you find affordable, like under $50. Keep in mind,
>>>>>> my
>>>>>> dogs
>>>>>> are labradors. Specifically, I want your thoughts on a few brands.
>>>>>> Eukanuba
>>>>>> (especially whether or not I should think about large breed vs.
>>>>>> labrador.
>>>>>> Is
>>>>>> one better than the other, does it matter?) also, royal canin, nutro,
>>>>>> Kirkland from Costco, and Iams. Is there another brand that's
>>>>>> affordable
>>>>>> that I should consider? Are there any websites where I could order in
>>>>>> bulk,
>>>>>> say 5 or 10 bags at a time, and save money?
>>>>>>> Thanks for your thoughts on this matter.
>>>>>>> Laurel and Stockard
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>>> --
>>> Raven
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> -- 
> Raven
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