[nagdu] Survey

Steven Johnson blinddog3 at charter.net
Sat Mar 22 15:21:02 UTC 2014

1. Have you and your guide dog been denied access to a public establishment?

examples include stores, restaurants,  theaters, etc. If so, explain.
Over the course of the past 22 years using dog guides, I estimate I have
been denied or have been attempted to be charged a surcharge for my guide
anywhere from 35-40 times.  This includes access to restaurants, hotels,
bar/restaurant establishments, search for housing, and my very first denial
being denied access to the public shuttle at O'Hare on my way home from
being issued my first guide.  I would say most occurred within the first 10
years after the initial passage of the ADA and the last one being at a hotel
where they attempted to charge me a pet fee. 
2. How were you treated upon entry to this facility with your dog?
Generally the treatment, when face to face, was rude and abrupt with many
citing restaurant codes.  Some were simply straight forward no dogs allowed,
but generally there was an incredible lack of knowledge of the access
rights and responsibilities of a service dog handler.  I will say that
although not required, all of my dogs have always had their harness on and
leashed with the school name identifying where they came from.
3. How did you handle the situation?
Generally I approached the situation very well informed and at most levels
attempted to provide information, websites, phone numbers and information on
access rights.  On a few occasions, I was forced to call law enforcement for
intervention knowing that the business would not budge on its stance.  On
only one occasion did I end up filing a formal Public Accommodations
complaint with my state under our law, and prevailed.  This was in 2006 when
I was denied access to a DQ by not one, but 3 staff behind the counter who
said that the only way I would be served was if I went through the
drive-through.  I simply walked out, went to the police station, filed a
complaint, and ended up filing a complaint with DQ international who brought
in that site owner on the email thread.  Needless to say, all of the
correspondence and police report created a very nice paper trail which
helped considerably in winning my case.  Establishing credibility is highly
important when filing a claim.
4. did you revisit this establishment? If so, were there anymore issues upon
your entry?
No, I have not been back to that particular establishment, but not because I
wouldn't but because it is over 2 hours from where I live.  However, I would
not hesitate.  As part of the settlement, there were provisions built into
the agreement that guaranteed access to future handlers entering with
legitimate service dogs.  Generally with most of the incidents, they were
rectified on-site with no further involvement or issues, but generally
followed-up with information being sent to that establishment on service dog
access regulations, rights and responsibilities both at the State and
Federal level.

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