[nagdu] Texas access laws and denial of service

Jenine Stanley jeninems at wowway.com
Tue Mar 25 20:39:57 UTC 2014

Hi All, 

I’m asking the following questions to try to help a number of our graduates and others with what seem to be an inordinate number of access denial issues around the state of Texas. 

Both guide and service dog grads from our programs have been consistently denied entry with their dogs, or if allowed entry, harassed throughout their meals at restaurants, followed around stores or denied opportunities to view rental property. 

In most cases too, the owner is a local person not from another country who believes these laws just don’t apply to him/her. 

It’s incredibly frustrating. though the Texas law states punishment and such, there seems to be no real explanation of who serves up this punishment. How does a person file a state-based access complaint? 

Is there any way we at GDF/AVD can work with NAGDU on some PR for this state letting people know what the relevant laws are and that yes, even in Texas, they have to obey them? 

Sorry, I’ve taken 6 access complaints since the beginning of the year from Texas across the board, businesses, housing, employment, you name it. Thanks for any help you can give. 

Jenine Stanley
jeninems at wowway.com


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