[nagdu] the workplace and new dogs
Darla Rogers
djrogers0628 at gmail.com
Fri May 9 23:30:41 UTC 2014
Dear Rebecca,
I always wanted a guide dog, so I applied for one and was paired
with a great dog. I had very few access issues then--I lived in Los
Angeles--and we went everywhere on public transportation, moved several
times into apartments, I worked at a blindness agency then, and basically
lived my life the way I wanted.
I am guessing part of the reason was, I believe California did have
some laws on the books about guide dogs then, but I'd have to research it,
and I believe the Guide Dog Board may have existed not long after I got my
first dog; I have more access issues now--well not here in Kansas City--but
in other cities in which I have lived, and I do have many issues with taxi
drivers here.
I am thankful I know someone who will drive for me; he chooses to do
the kinds of jobs he wants--handyman, lawn care driver, etc.--and he has
more issues with people than dogs.
Darla & Happy Huck
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Star Gazer
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2014 12:34 PM
To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
Subject: Re: [nagdu] the workplace and new dogs
Darla's post about not bringing her dog to the darkroom job intrigues me.
For those of you who got dogs before ADA, why did you do it? I'm assuming
you didn't have the rights we do now. What made a dog sustainable for you?
I have a good friend who has never used a dog. He calls out the lack of
rights as one reason why he didn't want to get one.
Very curious to go down memory lane with some of you.
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Darla Rogers
Sent: Thursday, May 8, 2014 5:49 PM
To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
Subject: Re: [nagdu] the workplace and new dogs
Hi Julie,
I love this list, as you do get a variety of perspectives usually
given in a very polite manner, and I have learned a lot and have changed my
own views from things I learned here.
I am glad we have reorganizations like NAGDU who really assist in
looking out for our right5s and helping us learn how to assert them.
I am most anxious to hear about sweet Jetta, as I don't see messages
from Meegan very often, so I haven't heard much about her for awhile, except
what you post.
Darla & Happy Huck
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Julie J.
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 2:27 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] the workplace and new dogs
ROFLOL! Rebecca this is hilarious!
The thing is, I'm not so sure anyone will even notice. Except Monty is gray
now and it stands out a lot, so maybe they will. In the first year of
taking him to work, I'd get asked fairly often if I had a different dog.
Sometimes it was as simple as I had switched to a different harness. I
wouldn't think a different harness would make that much difference, but
apparently it is what people notice.
Also Monty and Jetta are largish mostly black dogs with docked tails. It
will be interesting to see how observant people are. Most people can't tell
Monty and Belle apart either. Very weird.
I did mention to one of the secretaries last summer that I had gotten a
puppy and would be sending her off to be trained. However that secretary
has since moved on to new employment. I have no idea if she mentioned it to
other people, or if others overheard. I haven't kept it a secret, but it's
not something that comes up either.
I was teetering between mentioning it casually in advance or just showing up
with Jetta. After reading the responses, I think I'm going to just show up
with Jetta and explain as I go. Those of you who mentioned that it doesn't
make a difference to my job what dog I have with me are absolutely correct.
I hadn't thought of it in that way before though. Either will snooze under
the desk and it shouldn't make anyone any never mind about which dog I
choose to bring on any given day.
In the past when I've talked about retirement for Monty, the typical
response is serious concern for what will happen to Monty. I'm not sure if
they think I'm going to dump him off in the country or what? when I explain
that he'll stay home, take long naps on the couch and work sometimes when
he's up to it, the person seems very relieved. So maybe the switching back
and forth won't cause as much confusion as I thought it might.
Thanks for all the responses! It helped me to feel more confident about my
-----Original Message-----
From: Star Gazer
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 11:41 AM
To: 'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
Subject: Re: [nagdu] the workplace and new dogs
I'd have fun with it, bring one dog, then bring the other and when people
ask "Is that a new dog?" I'd get a blank look and say "no".
Or I'd say "Monty wasn't happy with how he looked, so this is the result"
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Vivianna
Sent: Tuesday, May 6, 2014 6:38 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] the workplace and new dogs
personally, i would just show up with a dog. but, that's just me. it's
none of anybody's concern how my dog is being trained, by whom, or whatever.
but, that's just me.
legally, it's a guide dog so, i can have it there with me.
On May 6, 2014, at 5:17 PM, "Julie J." <julielj at neb.rr.com> wrote:
> A question for all of you lovely people!
> I think I know how I'm going to handle the situation, but I'm
> interested
to know how others would or have handled similar situations.
> The current plan is that I will be getting Jetta mid August. Meghan
> will
be here for a few days, incorporating a weekend, to work with Jetta and I.
My work schedule is flexible, so I could work in my office the morning and
with Jetta in the afternoon or vice versa. I could also work more hours
earlier in the week and spend the necessary weekdays with Meghan and Jetta.
All that to say, I'm not planning on taking any time off of work.
> I currently take Monty to work with me and have for several years. It
> has
never been an issue. However, when I requested/informed my supervisor that
I would be bringing my guide dog to work, it was a different person than my
current supervisor. My supervisor is a lawyer, if that makes a difference
in regard to legal knowledge.
> Anyhow, I am planning on taking Jetta to work with me and probably
> fairly
soon, of course depending on how well she adjust to the new situation. It
will be a big change for her. she might need a bit to settle
in, but I think she'll be fine, if my visit with her is any indication of
how quickly she adapts.
> How would you guys handle the situation in regard to workplace
accommodations? since I have already had a guide dog at work for some time,
would you just show up with the new dog and go on about your business?
Would you inform your supervisor that you will be bringing a different dog?
Would you re-request a guide dog as a reasonable accommodation?
> Also do you think it would cause confusion or any problems if I
> switched
between dogs? For example working Jetta Monday and Tuesday, Monty on
Wednesday and then back to Jetta on Thursday and Friday? I'm talking about
one dog at a time on alternate days, not two dogs at work.
> Curiously,
> Julie
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