[nagdu] A big change
Leonard Stamper via nagdu
nagdu at nfbnet.org
Thu May 29 23:44:50 UTC 2014
No he is just slowing down when he walks and sometimes he just does not want to wear the harness also, he does not want to walk as far as he has before. But thank you for your advice I really appreciate it. God bless
Sent from my iPhone
> On May 29, 2014, at 6:02 PM, Alysha via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> It's certainly a possibility that your dog is getting ready to retire like
> others have suggested. I've had this issue with my dog on occasion though,
> and I've figured out that it's primarily due to boredom. When we're at the
> office where routes are easy and things don't change much, he's sometimes
> quite unmotivated, but when we travel or run errands, he's back to his
> normal self. To help with this, I've started carrying around small treats to
> give him when we reach simple destinations at the office to peak his
> interest (he's very food motivated). If you can vary your routes, that might
> help as well. Has he been startled or frightened by anything lately? I work
> on a military base, and when my dog hears artillery fire when we're out at
> the back of my building, he's reluctant to go out there again for a while.
> I'm a first-time handler and far from an expert on this though!
> Best,
> Alysha
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Leonard Stamper
> via nagdu
> Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 5:07 PM
> To: the National Association of Guide Dog Users NAGDU Mailing List
> Subject: [nagdu] A big change
> Good day everybody my black and tan lab has been with me for five years I
> have noticed in the past month he does not have the will to want to go work
> as much or at the same pace as he did before I did contact a trainer at the
> school I got him from and they said just to cut his workload when he did not
> want to be put in the harness and just to pay attention to his actions I
> have done that is anyone going through this or has been through this and
> maybe could give me some helpful advice I would much appreciate it thank you
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