[nagdu] wearing a harness.
irishana at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 17:24:53 UTC 2014
um, hold on a second here. let me just jump up and defend myself here.
yes, someone on here did say that they were using their dog without a harness in public. so, i gave my opinion.
my opinion is just as valid as hers is. why don’t you get all over her case as well as mine then?
and, yes, i did over exagerate, but, is what i said really that far from the truth out there? no, it’s not.
am i being judgmental of a certain behavior? yes, i am but, is that not what folks are doing on here every day? yes, it is.
i am just more blunt about it. lol.
the reason that i brought it up at all was because, after, said person declared that they used their dog on a leash, another person started asking just how to do such a thing. it’s my opinion that this way of trying to use a guide dog is not only considerably less safe but, that, the public will perceive the dog in a different manner than a guide dog in harness.
now, what’s wrong with that?
if the schools, and, even owner trainers, i might add, thought that leash guiding was so great then, why are we not all doing it.
you would be surprised just how many people read something, from someone who they do not know, on the internet and then proceed to try it at home.
my goal, and, i think i am accomplishing it here, is to make folks stop and think before going out to some university or whatever and leave their harness at home.
who’s opinions are just as valid as yours are.
On Nov 10, 2014, at 11:06 AM, Howard J. Levine via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> There is nothing wrong in making comments about other schools and how thay
> train. I do think treats used to often in training is not a good thing.
> Guide dogs should work for love and praise not food. I don't want to put
> treats in my dogs mouth and then need to deal with other people such as
> giving money or other things.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of The Pawpower Pack
> via nagdu
> Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 11:18 AM
> To: Cindy Ray; NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog
> Users
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] wearing a harness.
> Viviana,
> This is a bit of an over exaduration. Firstly, a dog can leash guide but
> I'm not seeing people writing about taking their dogs not in gear.
> I use leash guiding for short distances, like when I'm staying in a hotel
> and I take my dog out to relieve. I may use leash guiding also to go visit
> a friend in their room at that same hotel. I might use it if I live in a
> dorm or an apartment to get the mail. These are mainly the times people
> take their dogs on a lead.
> Also this thread had nothing to do with the use of treats. I am aware that
> this is a practice of which you do not approve, but you are not the judge
> here and I would once again, ask you to be respectful of others training
> choices. Just because you have had a bad experience with a team who used
> clicker training or used treats does not mean you have the right to mock
> people who use this method. People will disagree, I personally would not
> use a training collar on my dog. This is my choice, but I respect that other
> people disagree and it is their right to do so, and I have no right to mock
> that whole school of training dogs in its entirity just because I may have
> _have a bad experience were people who overcorrect or are not an effective
> team with their dog.
> Rox and the kitchen Bitches:
> Mill'E, Laveau, Soleil
> Pawpower4me at gmail.com
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 10, 2014, at 7:53 AM, Cindy Ray via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Viviana, I agree with you that the dogs should wear their harnesses when
>> they are guiding in public places. I think your vision there is a little
> on
>> the dramatic side. Not sure that most of these people are handing out
> treats
>> to their pets while leash guiding. But I do think that even if we are
>> allowed to take our guide without harness, it is better clarification for
>> the rest of the public and that it is the more respectful thing to do with
>> respect to the law. We don't have to show IDs, we don't have to have the
> dog
>> in harness, and we don't have to say much about what the dog does. I do
>> think though that if we were to get into a habit of taking the dog around
>> just in leash, since so many people are bent on having their pets with
> them,
>> and since sometimes it may be a little hard anyway to determine who is a
> pet
>> and who is a service dog, the time will come when we will have to have the
>> dogs in their harness/gear and will have to show id. Of course the time
> may
>> come when you can just take your pet anywhere, too, so the opposite could
>> happen.
>> Cindy
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Vivianna via
>> nagdu
>> Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 7:47 AM
>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>> Subject: [nagdu] wearing a harness.
>> OK, it may not be the law that a guide dog has to wear a harness however,
> i
>> respectfully strongly disagree that folks should just take their dogs
> around
>> on a leash in public.
>> i am a college graduate myself and spent 4 years on a university campus
>> working my dog, in harness. it's a huge place with, traffic, busses,
>> stairs, ramps, bicycles, paths going off in all directions, etc. i often
>> had to walk a mile between classes and, sometimes had to take a bus to the
>> next class.
>> all of us on here know that, the public recognizes a guide dog by the
>> harness.
>> we are encountering more and more folks taking their pets around and
> saying
>> that they are service dogs.
>> allowing your dog to act like a pet during guide work is, IMO, not helping
>> those of us who use our dogs as guides.
>> guiding on a leash, while possible, is not the recommended way to work a
>> guide dog. just ask any school.
>> you can most definitely not feel the movements of the dog nearly as well
> as
>> in a harness.
>> man, all i can envision is a bunch of folks deciding that harnessing up is
>> not necessary. next thing, i will be in a store or restaurant, or, even
> at
>> a national convention with a bunch of dogs, guides or not, on leashes,
> their
>> owners feeding them treats and never giving them a correction for
> anything.
>> yuck!
>> i am proud to be a woman with a harnessed up guide at my side; Vivianna
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