[nagdu] Welcome Debbie,
Sheila Leigland
sheila.leigland at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 01:28:19 UTC 2014
yes, Welcome to this list. My mame is Sheila and I'm working with my
second dog a golden named Tres.
On 10/7/2014 7:16 PM, Marsha Drenth via nagdu wrote:
> Hi Debbie, Welcome!
> I hope that you like your time here, this is a very active list, with alot of different types of handlers and pups, from all different schools. This list has a wealth of information.
> A little about myself, I am Marsha, working my third guide from GDF. My pup is a black lab cross, who is specially trained for guiding, balance, and alerting. I am deafblind, which there are quite of few of us on this list who are also blind, deaf and or hard of hearing.
> I am also the moderator of the list, so if you need anything, please let me know. Just two things to keep in mind about the list, the list has a posting limit for all members, 5 posts per day per member. Secondly, please include your name at the end of every post to the list, its always good for others who you are. We have several Debbie's on the list, so make sure people know its you and not another person. If you want people to email you offlist, the email is not required though. I am sort of know as the meany around here, if your trouble, no worries I will email you off list.
> Again, glad you joined us... take care!
> Marsha drenth, NAGDU List Moderator
> email: marsha.drenth at gmail.com
> Sent with my IPhone
> Please note that this email communication has been sent using my iPhone. As such, I may have used dictation and had made attempts to mitigate errors. Please do not be hesitant to ask for clarification as necessary.
>> On Oct 7, 2014, at 3:09 PM, Debra Baker via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Dear Mark and all,
>> I am Debbie Baker and new to this list. I know, Mark, that your best hope
>> was to avoid stomach upset for your dog. But, in case not in future, I have
>> one solution that is definitely only for emergencies.
>> I was a fairly new dog handler and had a guide that ate much more chocolate
>> than any dog should have. It happened at night and I called my vet. He
>> told me to force a quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide into her stomach to
>> induce vomiting and recommended to do it outside since she would vomit in
>> ten to fifteen minutes. Mine was a 60 pound dog. I don't know if the
>> dosage would be adjusted according to weight. It worked. It's not
>> pleasant, but can work in an emergency situation if you know you must induce
>> vomiting. Of course, check with your own vet first. I haven't had to use
>> it since. If you've ever rinsed your own mouth with peroxide, you know that
>> it foams and has an acrid taste. But of course, if you want to avoid
>> stomach upset, as you had hoped, my vet recommends Pepsid AC. That has
>> worked to avoid stomach upset altogether for me as well.
>> Debbie Baker and Bella
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Star Gazer via
>> nagdu
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 10:25 AM
>> To: 'debby phillips'; 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide
>> Dog Users'; 'Dudley Hanks'; kramc11 at gmail.com
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Some people aren't very bright ... :)
>> A few words for you Dudley, "hostile workplace environment".
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of debby phillips
>> via nagdu
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 7, 2014 8:46 AM
>> To: Dudley Hanks; NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog
>> Users; kramc11 at gmail.com; nagdu at nfbnet.org
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Some people aren't very bright ... :)
>> Hey Dudley, did you want to slug the person that flicked the spitballs at
>> your dog? What an idiot! But I think that person has more problems than
>> doing that to your dog. They have some kind of weird mental issue. An
>> adult professional doesn't generally behave that way in public, at least.
>> Wow! Well, I'd best get
>> ready to go to work. Peace, Debby and Neena
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