[nagdu] Worst day of my life
Star Gazer
pickrellrebecca at gmail.com
Thu Oct 9 16:39:05 UTC 2014
It won't, though if it had been me, I'd have done a
few things differently.
First, I'd not "get rid" of a dog that wasn't aggressive in favor of one
that was. I especially wouldn't do it if the nonaggressive dog wasn't mine.
I might keep both dogs assuming that I could keep them separate at all
times. I'd also never let the aggressive dog near a baby.
All this being said, I do wonder if school ownership hurt Barry in this
case. If the dog was legally his, he could have done whatever it was he was
going to do without school input. I'm concerned that he asked the school
what to do after his grandson was mauled, he didn't tell them. I'm also
concerned with the level of support he got when his dog attacked his son's
dog. Barry mentions "started attacking" so this was an ongoing problem. It
wasn't just a terrible day that came out of nowhere.
-----Original Message-----
From: Aleeha Dudley [mailto:blindcowgirl1993 at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2014 12:17 PM
To: Star Gazer; NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog
Cc: Barry Vaughn
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Worst day of my life
Let's not play the blame game here. Something horribly tragic happened,
what's done is done, sitting here and processing why everything happened the
way it did will not help. The point is that a dog, a guide dog, a dog that
this gentleman relies on for his mobility, and a dog he has developed a
significant partnership with, attacked his own grandson. He'sgot to be going
through a lot of rough emotions right now. Yelling at him for decisions he
made will not help the situation.
Aleeha Dudley and seeing eye dog Dallas Vice President, Ohio Association of
blind students Blindcowgirl1993 at gmail.com "The wind of Heaven is that which
blows between a horse's ears." Arabian proverb
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 9, 2014, at 12:13 PM, Star Gazer via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Why did you get rid of the other dog when yours was the
> aggressor? And, why did you let your dog and your grandson occupy the
> same space? And, last but not least, where was your son in all this?
> You got rid of *his* dog without any input from him, and then the both
> of you allowed a baby near a dog with a known history of aggression.
> At the risk of piling on, you didn't tell your school that you'd put
> your dog down, you asked. Had it been me, that dog would have gone to
> the nearest emergency vet and been put down last night. I can
> understand maybe keeping your dog, but I can't understand your son's
> just allowing you to get rid of his dog, and I don't understand either
> of you allowing the baby in close proximity with your dog.
> I don't understand where the papa bear instincts were on this, which
> leads me to wonder if your school has ownership of your dog?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Barry
> Vaughn via nagdu
> Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2014 10:10 AM
> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
> Subject: [nagdu] Worst day of my life
> Let me catch you up to spped on what has happened with my guide these
> last few months. Back in April I started keeping my sons dog. At
> first my guide and my sons dog got along great playing together and
> such. Last month my guide started attacking the other dog.. So I got
> rid of the other dog and everything settled down. Then last night the
> most awful thing happened. My ten month old grandsong was crawling in
> the living room and Jake attacked him biting him real bad in the face.
> The bites missed the eye but he had two real bad wounds on the
> forehead and jaw. I just talked to my school and they recommended
> that I put him down. The county animal shelter is picking him up this
morning for a ten day quarrentine.
> Please pray for me and my family.
> Barry and guide Jake
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