[nagdu] a very bad day and seeking suggestion

Marsha Drenth marsha.drenth at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 23:53:50 UTC 2014

I think that same storm system that caused you all of the rain in Ohio, eventually came our way too in Philly PA. My pup and I had a similar situation yesterday with the rain. It was raining buckets. Car were splashing us both. I was soaked and so was pup. We were wading through some major streams of water, especially crossing streets. My pup didn't want to work, but she had no choice. The wet leaves also bothered her. Of course I can't keep her from walking in streams of water, especailly crossing streets, but I am thinking about getting that rain coat that others have recommended. 
More just wanted to let you know your not the only one who encountered that huge rain storm. 
Luckily its dried out. 

Marsha drenth  
email: marsha.drenth at gmail.com  
Sent with my IPhone  
Please note that this email communication has been sent using my iPhone. As such, I may have used dictation and had made attempts to mitigate errors. Please do not be hesitant to ask for clarification as necessary. 

> On Oct 14, 2014, at 9:43 PM, Aleeha Dudley via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Good evening fellow doggy directors, (ah, playing with words is quite fun)
>     Today was not a very good day for me and my little Dallas boy. It
> was quite rainy here in Ohio and we needed, absolutely needed, to get
> to a meeting by 1 PM. I left in plenty of time to get there, but we
> had a lot of trouble along the way. Dallas was very slow, not wanting
> to move hardly at all. It got worse as the rain got heavier. Soon, it
> was pouring and we needed to get out of the rain. He just kept slowing
> down. He refused to walk through puddles or on wet leaves. He didn't
> want to listen to me at all. Finally, soaked and low-spirited, we
> arrived at the library, where Dallas proceeded to ignore my
> instructions and walk around aimlessly, like he knew where he was
> going. He did not, but I finally managed to get him to an elevator.
> While sitting waiting on my fellow meeting attendees to arrive, Dallas
> whined and shifted restlessly, but I knew that he didn't need to
> relieve as he had just done so. When we left the meeting, Dallas
> absolutely refused to listen to my command to find outside. He danced
> through the tables at the café, turned us completely around, but did
> not want to walk back outside, despite my constant guiding toward the
> door. I knew nearly exactly where the door was, but Dallas kept
> veering away from it. This also happened in the student center last
> night. Both places are fairly open and are not mere hallways. They
> also have a lot of noise and people, so I really don't know what to do
> to try to fix this. Finally, on the way home, Dallas seemed to balk at
> walking through a long stretch of sidewalk covered in wet leaves. Any
> suggestions as to how to improve any of this would be greatly
> appreciated. I am not looking forward to repeating this adventure
> tomorrow morning as well on my way to and from an appointment.
> Aleeha and sweet Dallas
> -- 
> Aleeha Dudley and Seeing Eye Yellow Labrador Dallas
> Vice President, Ohio Association of Blind Students
> Email: blindcowgirl1993 at gmail.com
> Follow me on Twitter at @blindcowgirl199
> The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears.
> - Arabian Proverb
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