[nagdu] Poodles and other Cute Breeds

Julie J. julielj at neb.rr.com
Mon Oct 27 16:03:34 UTC 2014

Over the years I've seen a lot of pretty harsh criticisms of other handlers. 
There have been detailed descriptions of what they did wrong and idle chat 
about reporting them to their school or the manager at the business or the 
leader of the organization.  It really bothers me.  It's like 
kindergarteners tattling to the teacher.  If it's a person you know, why 
can't you pull them aside and speak to them privately.  Yes, it's 
uncomfortable.  Yes, it's awkward.  And yes, it's what responsible, 
compassionate and supportive adults do.  Isn't that what we all want, to be 
supportive of each other?  What's wrong with telling the person straight out 
something like, "I care about you and I want to continue to be friends. 
When you let your dog wander about it bothers me.  What can I do to help and 
support you?"

When I was at convention with Jetta and she was sniffing inappropriately, I 
really appreciated when Kayde let me know.  She was kind about it.  I wasn't 
offended at all.  I think she said something like, "Jetta is sniffing me. 
It doesn't bother me, but I know you  are working on good manners with her." 
I so appreciated that.  It gave me the information I needed, was very 
respectful and allowed me the opportunity to remedy the situation.


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