[nagdu] Question abound trave with a University

Aaron Cannon cannona at fireantproductions.com
Thu Sep 11 19:30:25 UTC 2014

If I were in your position, I would ask them if they, in general, try
to abide by FERPA: The Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act.
Unless the person you are talking to is completely insane, they will
give you an emphatic "Yes!"  At that point, I would refer them to this
letter from the U.S. Department of Education, in which the Department
confirms that FERPA does in fact cover the records that a school has
regarding a persons disability.


I would then ask them if they have received permission from you to
share any information with Greyhound.  Finally, just to be certain, I
might reiterate that you are expressly forbidding them doing so, and
that you will consider it a violation under FERPA if they do.

Of course, that's what I might do.  someone else might choose to be
more tactful about it, but given the level of annoyance I felt just
reading about this, I probably would not.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.


On 9/11/14, Danielle Burton via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> I agree, however they are insisting on telling greyhound. What I do in this
> situation? i feel like they are trying to take control of it. I know theyare
> doing it through the university but it's still a Greyhound coach. I don't
> want someone else disclosing the fact I have dog. Should I allow them to
> tell Greyhound? I'm not the one setwith it up so if they do they will be
> doing it on their own every tell Greyhound.
> Danielle and Willa
>> On Sep 11, 2014, at 11:41 AM, Abigail Bolling <violingirl30794 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Danielle,
>> No, you do not HAVE to tell greyhound you have a pup with you, however it
>> is considered nicer and more considerate to do so, but it is by no means
>> required. Most puppies can fit quite comfortably on those seats as I found
>> out a couple of months ago.
>> as for the theater, no, you should not have to tell them you have a pup.
>> again, most pups can fit comfortably under most theater seats, so it
>> should not be a concern.
>> and if the theater tries to make an excuse, feel free to let them know,
>> politely out course, that sece they are a public venue, then  by law, they
>> are required to let you have your dog there.
>> Hope this helps! :)
>> Abby and the faithful Ja
>> Abigail Bolling
>> Wright State University: Social Work
>> "Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart, and just let the
>> music play." (Julie Anderson Diamond)
>>> On Sep 11, 2014, at 11:32 AM, Danielle Burton via nagdu
>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone, I have a few questions for you guys. I'm with Student
>>> Support Service at my university and they are going to go see a play in
>>> Cincinnati I think. We are taking a Grey Hound and I was told they want
>>> to know everything. The the coordinator of the event asked me if I could
>>> just leave my dog which  I said no to. Then she said that they wouldhave
>>> to let Greyhound know that I was coming with a dog and alsothat and the
>>> theater because apparently it's packed. I'm not comfortable with telling
>>> greyhound and the theater because I do not want them to come up with some
>>> excuse to put me where they want to put me.  I understand the space part
>>> but should I allow them to let them know? I just want to know what is
>>> reasonable and what is not. Any thoughts or suggestions?
>>> Danielle and Willa
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