[nagdu] Pitbulls and Reputations was RE: A leisurely walk or a nightmare? Dog aggressionincreasingin Davis, Calif.

Nicole Torcolini ntorcolini at wavecable.com
Mon Sep 15 03:44:44 UTC 2014

Trying this again since the system messed something up the last time.
First, before I say anything else, I want to make sure that it is understood
that I think that any dog of any breed can attack another dog. As it was
once said in a movie, "You can make any dog mean."
That being said, I have certain opinions about pitbulls that I would like to
First, JMHO, the problem is kind of a vicious circle. Pitbulls are known for
being aggressive, so people get them and train them to be aggressive or
don't take steps to train them to not be aggressive, thus making the problem
Second, people who have pitbulls don't always train them properly. Yes, all
dogs should be trained certain ways and certain amounts based on breed, but
there are different, and sometimes worse, implications for not properly
training certain breeds.
Finally, some people who have pitbulls say that their dogs are harmless and
friendly when they are not. I am not sure if this happens more with
pitbulls, but the consequences are worse.
If a person has had dogs attacked by other dogs, and one or more of the
attacking dogs was a putbull, when asked about dog attacks, that person is
probably going to talk about pitbulls because it was the most frightening
and probably the most severe.
I have pasted most of the website below my signature. If you don't read all
of it, at least read this part:
Q: Do pit bulls bite more than other dogs?
Depending upon the community in which you live and the ratio of pit bulls
within it, yes and no. But whether a pit bull bites more or less than
another dog breed is not the point. The issue is the acute damage a pit bull
inflicts when it does choose to bite. The pit bull's "hold and shake" bite
style causes severe bone and muscle damage, often inflicting permanent and
disfiguring injury. Moreover, once a pit bull starts an attack, firearm
intervention may be the only way to stop it.


Dogs bite. Some dogs don't let go.  |  DogsBite.orgDogsBite.org is a public
education website 
In the 9-year period from 2005 to 2013, pit bulls killed 176 Americans and
accounted for 62% of the total recorded deaths (283). Combined, pit bulls
and rottweilers accounted for 74% of these deaths. 
Pit bull FAQ :: Download PDF file
Learn the names of the different dog breeds that comprise a "pit bull," the
selective breeding history of the pit bull (dogfighting) and answers to
other frequently asked questions.
Q: What is a pit bull?
The legal definition of a pit bull is a class of dogs that includes the
following breeds: American pit bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier,
Staffordshire bull terrier, American bulldog1 and any other pure bred or
mixed breed dog that is a combination of these dogs. Weight and shape can
vary significantly amongst pit bulls, from 35 to 100 plus pounds. (Please
see Disguise Breed Name to learn more about the deliberate renaming and
mislabeling of pit bulls through history.)
Q: What is the history of the pit bull?
The blood sport of "bull baiting" began over 1,000 years ago in England
(various sources dispute this date). What is undisputed is that by 1500,
bull baiting had progressed to Britain's national pastime. Bulldogs were
reportedly first mentioned by name in 1631, referring to their function
rather than a distinct dog breed. By 1800, and through further selective
breeding, the bulldog developed into a compact muscular dog characterized by
tremendous jaw strength.2
Due to public outrage, bull baiting was banned in England in 1835. Bulldog
breeders and owners then moved to the sport of "ratting," where a number of
rats were placed into a pit and wagers were made on how many rats the dog
could kill in a certain time period. To increase agility, quickness and
prey-drive in the bulldog, ratters crossed the breed with terriers.
Essentially, it was the sport of ratting that combined the bulldog and
terrier into the modern day pit bull terrier.
On the heels of ratting, dogfighting developed. Pit bulls and dogfighting
were exported to America as settlers made their way to the New World. In
1884, the American Kennel Club was formed but rejected pit bulls due to
their use in dogfighting. In response, Chauncey Z. Bennett formed the United
Kennel Club in 1898 to bring formal recognition to the pit bull breed. At
that time, Bennett also drew up rules and regulations for dogfighting to
bring "organization" to the blood sport.3
Q: What is dogfighting and what does it have to do with pit bulls?
Pit bulls are the dog of choice amongst dogmen, individuals who fight their
pit bulls against other pit bulls. Dogmen consider pit bull terriers, who
they commonly call "100% bulldogs," to be the ultimate canine gladiator. Pit
bulls were selectively bred for "gameness," the ability to finish a fight. A
truly gamedog will continue fighting "on stumps," two or more broken legs,
and far worse.4 (Please see excerpts from The Complete Gamedog, by Ed and
Chris Faron to learn more).
The blood sport of dogfighting involves a contest between two dogs,
primarily pit bulls, fighting each other in front of spectators for
entertainment and gambling purposes. Other felonious activities, such as
illegal drugs, often accompany dogfight matches. A single dogfight averages
about an hour in length but can last two or more.5 A dogfight begins when a
referee says, "Face your dogs," then says, "Let go." The fight ends when one
of the dogs will not or cannot continue.
The arrest and conviction of Michael Vick shows that dogfighting still
proliferates in the U.S. Law enforcement education, however, is on the rise.
In July 2009, authorities unleashed an 8-state simultaneous dogfighting
sting and seized over 450 dogs.6 In December 2008, Edward Faron of Wildside
Kennels, known as the "godfather" of dogfighting, was arrested and charged.
Authorities seized 127 pit bulls from his property. Faron pleaded guilty to
14 counts of felony dogfighting.7
Q: Why do I always read about pit bulls in the news?
When a pit bull attacks, the injury inflicted may be catastrophic. First
responders, such as police officers and firefighters, understand this as do
members of the media, who are quick to report these attacks. Ongoing social
tension also keeps pit bulls in the news. The pit bull problem is nearly
30-years old.8 In this time, most lawmakers have been "too afraid" to take
breed-specific action to correct the problem. Due to this failure, horrific
maulings continue to make headlines.
About half of all media reports regarding pit bulls involve police officers
shooting dangerous pit bulls in the line of duty.9 Since the late 1970's pit
bulls have been used extensively in criminal operations for drug dealers,
gang members and other violent offenders. The pit bull terrier is the breed
of choice for criminals. This choice is directly linked to the pit bull's
selectively bred traits of robust jaw strength, a deadly bite style,
tenacity (gameness) and a high tolerance to pain.10
Q: Why do people say that pit bulls "don't let go?"
Through selective breeding, pit bulls have developed enormous jaw strength,
as well as a ruinous "hold and shake" bite style, designed to inflict the
maximum damage possible on their victims. This bite trait delivered winning
results in the fighting pit. When the Colorado Supreme Court upheld the
Denver pit bull ban in 2005, the high court set aside characteristics that
pit bulls displayed when they attack that differ from all other dog breeds.
One of these characteristics was their lethal bite: 
"[pit bulls] inflict more serious wounds than other breeds. They tend to
attack the deep muscles, to hold on, to shake, and to cause ripping of
tissues. Pit bull attacks were compared to shark attacks."11
Leading pit bull education websites, such as Pit Bull Rescue Central,
encourage pit bull owners to be responsible and to always carry a "break
stick" -- a tool used to pry open a pit bull's jaws -- in case their dog
"accidentally" gets into a fight. These same websites also warn that using a
break stick on any other dog breed may cause serious injury to the person.12
This is true because no other dog breed possesses the pit bull's tenacity
combined with a "hold and shake" bite style.
One of the most powerful examples of a pit bull "not letting go" occurred in
an Ohio courtroom. During the Toledo v. Tellings trial (Tellings was
convicted of violating the City of Toledo's pit bull ordinance), Lucas
County Dog Warden Tom Skeldon showed a videotape of a tranquilized pit bull
hanging from a steel cable. The dog is essentially unconscious and still
does not release its grip. At the time of the taping, the pit bull was being
housed at the Lucas County Animal Shelter.13
Q: Do pit bulls bite more than other dogs?
Depending upon the community in which you live and the ratio of pit bulls
within it, yes and no. But whether a pit bull bites more or less than
another dog breed is not the point. The issue is the acute damage a pit bull
inflicts when it does choose to bite. The pit bull's "hold and shake" bite
style causes severe bone and muscle damage, often inflicting permanent and
disfiguring injury. Moreover, once a pit bull starts an attack, firearm
intervention may be the only way to stop it.
When analyzing dog bite statistics, it is important to understand what
constitutes a bite. A single bite -- recorded and used in dog bite
statistics -- is a bite that "breaks the skin." One bite by a poodle that
leaves two puncture wounds is recorded the same way as a pit bull mauling,
which can constitute hundreds of puncture wounds and extensive soft tissue
loss. Despite the "quagmire" of dog bite statistics, pit bulls are leading
bite counts across U.S. cities and counties.14
Q: How come pit bull owners say, "My dog might lick you to death."
To understand the experience of owning a negatively perceived dog, Tufts
Center for Animals and Public Policy did a study on pit bull owners.
Researchers found that owners of out-law dog breeds directly feel the stigma
targeted at their breed and resort to various tactics to lessen it. One of
the tactics included attempts to counterbalance the pit bull's menacing
appearance and physical power with overwhelming "affectionate" behavior,
such as: "My dog might lick you to death."15
Q: Why does my friend say, "Pit bulls are dog-aggressive not
Due to selective breeding for the purposes of dogfighting, pit bulls are
highly dog-aggressive. This aggression is not limited to dogs; pit bulls
frequently kill other companion pets and domesticated animals. Leading pit
bull education websites warn pit bull owners to, "Never trust your pit bull
not to fight." These same websites also state that pit bulls should never be
left alone with another dog or animal.16 The practical question is: Why is
"pit bull dog aggression" tolerated at all?
Pit bull dog aggression is unacceptable for two reasons. In many instances
it leads to human aggression. A common scenario is the following: A loose
pit bull attacks a leashed dog being walked by its owner. The owner gets
seriously injured trying to stop the attack. In 2009, two human beings
suffered death due to pit bull dog aggression: Rosie Humphreys, who had been
walking her two poodles, and Carter Delaney, who had tried to protect a
smaller dog in his home.
Secondly, far too many beloved companion pets and domesticated animals
suffer a violent death by the powerful jaws of pit bull terriers each year.
In some instances, these attacks involve pit bulls charging through screen
doors of private homes -- in a home invasion attack -- to kill the pet
living inside.17 Owners of the pet are then forced to watch as their pet is
disemboweled by the pit bull and pray that the dog does not turn its
attention on an innocent family member next.
Q: What is the best thing we can do for communities and pit bulls?
The best thing we can do for communities and pit bulls is to regulate pit
bull ownership and pit bull breeding. Lowering the pit bull population will
reduce the number of serious maulings, as well as pit bull euthanizations.
In the July/August 2009 issue of Animal People, the group estimated that of
the 1,663,167 shelter dogs projected to be euthanized in 2009, pit bulls
accounted for 58%. This is true despite the fact that pit bulls only make up
5% of the total U.S. dog population.18
Over 700 U.S. cities and nearly all privatized military housing -- the U.S.
Army and U.S. Marine Corps now have uniform pet policies -- have adopted
breed-specific laws to correct the pit bull problem. Such measures include:
mandatory sterilization, liability insurance and strict containment rules.
The most progressive legislation bans the future breeding of pit bulls (a
pit bull ban). In just a few years, these communities see a significant drop
in pit bull bites and euthanizations.
Learn how communities are legislating dogs »
1.	Progressive pit bull legislation includes the American bulldog in
its definition of a pit bull.
2.	The History of Bull Baiting, by Amy Fernandez, DogChannel.com.
3.	American Pit Bull Terrier Handbook, by Joe Stahlkuppe, Barron's
Educational Series, Inc., 2000.
4.	The Complete Gamedog: A Guide to Breeding & Raising the American pit
bull terrier, by Ed and Chris Faron, Walsworth Pub. Co., 1995.
5.	Dogfighting Fact Sheet, The Humane Society of the United States.
6.	Eight-State Dogfighting Raid Largest in U.S. History, by Wayne
Pacelle, The Humane Society of the United States, July 9, 2009.
7.	Dog-fighting 'godfather' given prison, by Monte Mitchell,
Winston-Salem Journal, February 13, 2009.
8.	Pit Bulls -- Family Pets and Fierce Fighters, by Tom Greely, Los
Angeles Times, July 25, 1982.
9.	Combined data from: Mid Year Results: U.S. Pit Bull Attacks 2009 and
Mid Year Results: U.S. Police and Citizen Shootings of Pit Bulls 2009, by
DogsBite.org, August 2009.
10.	One City's Experience, by Kory A. Nelson, Senior City Attorney for
the City of Denver, Municipal Lawyer, July/August 2005.
11.	Pit Bull Case Report and Literature Review, by Steven F. Vegas, MD,
Jason H. Calhoun, MD, M. Eng., John Mader, MD, Texas Medicine Vol. 84,
November 1988.
12.	Breaking Up a Fight, Pit Bull Rescue Central.
13.	Information provided by the Lucas County, Ohio Dog Warden.
14.	Pit Bulls Lead "Bite" Counts Across U.S. Cities and Counties, by
DogsBite.org (continuously updated).
15.	Managing the Stigma of Outlaw Breeds: A Case Study of Pit Bull
Owners, by Hillary Twining, Arnold Arluke, Gary Patronek, Tufts Center for
Animals and Public Policy, Society & Animals Journal of Human-Animal
Studies, Vol. 8 Number 1, 2000.
16.	10 Easy to Remember Tips for Responsible Pit Bull Owners,
17.	Pit bull put down after attack, by Kieran Nicholson, The Denver
Post, March 3, 2009.
18.	Decade of Adoption Focus Fails to Reduce Shelter Killing, by Merritt
Clifton, Animal People, July/August 2009.

-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Valerie Gibson
via nagdu
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 6:53 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] A leisurely walk or a nightmare? Dog
aggressionincreasingin Davis, Calif.


apart from the obvious, my only gripe about this article in particular is
that it seems to point out pit bulls as the breed to attack other dogs.
While I'm sure that the dogs mentioned were pit bulls, I'm sure they were
not the only breed that's been after this couple and their dogs.

Just another article to give the pit bulls even more of a bad rep than they
already have.

On Sep 14, 2014, at 3:04 PM, Nicole Torcolini via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org>

> This kind of thing where the laws are not enforced until there is a 
> problem has got to stop. It's not just with service dog laws; it's
> Nicole
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Ginger 
> Kutsch via nagdu
> Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 4:44 AM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: [nagdu] A leisurely walk or a nightmare? Dog aggression 
> increasingin Davis, Calif.
>      A leisurely walk or a nightmare? Dog aggression increasing in 
> Davis, California
> September 07, 2014
> By Mike May
> Source:
> http://www.davisenterprise.com/forum/opinion-columns/a-leisurely-walk-
> or-a-n ightmare-dog-aggression-increasing-in-davis/
> Mike May and his wife Gena and their Seeing Eye dogs, Tank and Yulie, 
> walk on F Street in downtown Davis. The Mays say that aggressive dogs, 
> particularly downtown and in Community Park, are becoming a big 
> problem for them and their guide dogs. Fred Gladdis/Enterprise photo
> With your eyes closed, picture the sound of growling and barking 
> getting closer and closer and yet you cannot open your eyes.
> Sound like a nightmare?
> Now with your eyes open, walk down the street with your wonderful but 
> nosy dog on a leash and pass a blind couple with their Seeing Eye 
> dogs. Your dog barks or even growls. You shout, “She just wants to play.”
> The blind couple can’t hear you over the barking. They can’t see if 
> your dog is on leash or baring its teeth. This is a leisurely walk for 
> you and a nightmare for them.
> Things are totally different from the perspective of a blind person 
> with a guide dog. I am blind, as is my wife Gena. Both of us have a 
> little vision but not enough to know if there is a fence between us 
> and a growling dog or if the dog is on a leash. For us, walking in and 
> out of downtown Davis two or three times a day can be a nightmare.
> Our Seeing Eye dogs, Tank and Yulie, are trained to ignore other dogs 
> and to focus on their highly challenging job of guiding us. Pet dogs 
> mostly pass by our working dogs without incident but at least once a 
> walk, we encounter aggressive dogs, which seem to appear from nowhere.
> The nature of aggressive dogs ranges from barking to growling to 
> lunging at Tank and Yulie. We have no idea if that dog in the front 
> yard of the house on Fourth Street near E Street will reach the end of 
> a chain, is behind a fence or if it has burst from its house with 
> intent to protect its territory.
> Believe me, my adrenaline spikes and Gena usually screams. This turns 
> a pleasant walk into a frightening experience for us and our dogs.
> The two worst areas for dog aggression are the Community Park and E 
> Street, although the Third and E corner seems to be quieter the past few
> There are several pit bulls in the park. Occasionally, one is tied to 
> a bench without an owner apparently around. Other times, these dogs 
> bark and growl and even lunge at Tank and Yulie such that we have to 
> leave the sidewalk to avoid them.
> Recently, two guys with their three dogs were blocking the sidewalk in 
> the park. When I asked, “Are your dogs on leash?” They said, “Two are. 
> Only the black one is vicious.” I learned only after giving them a 
> wide berth that the black one was the one not on leash and the other two
were pit bulls.
> Gena didn’t risk it and took the long way around.
> We have given up taking the shortcut through the park into town and 
> instead stay on the much busier Fifth Street where there usually 
> aren’t dogs other than sometimes at Davis Community Church at C Street.
> Not all obnoxious dogs are big and mean-looking. There have been two 
> little dogs frequently with their owner on the corner of Third and E 
> streets that are allowed to bark and surprise us because their owner 
> says, “Dogs are allowed by God to use their voices.”
> That stretch of E Street, near Peet’s Coffee & Tea, often has a 
> gauntlet of dogs, some well-behaved, some not. One day, when walking 
> along the west side of E Street between First and Second streets, we 
> passed three growling dogs and one nice one, all within one block. 
> When crossing Second Street, a dog snapped at Yulie in the middle of 
> the intersection and the owner did nothing but continue on his way.
> Most dog owners try to be responsible even if a bit misguided about 
> dog handling or socializing. Many owners don’t quite get that town is 
> not the dog park and letting their dogs socialize with working dogs is 
> a dangerous distraction. Some say nothing when their dog barks and growls.
> We can report the situation to Animal Control or the police, but the 
> officers have little recourse if no dog or person has been injured. 
> Like a dangerous intersection that needs a signal light, it will take 
> a serious injury before anything will be done about this dog 
> aggression. Even then, that will only impact the one bad dog and not 
> the more general increase in lackadaisical dog management.
> A Seeing Eye dog costs about $65,000. Injuring the dog physically or 
> emotionally is expensive and traumatic, potentially leading to the dog 
> being taken out of service. My fourth Seeing Eye dog was attacked in a 
> park and seriously injured while I tried to stay out of the way with 
> my 3-year-old son in my arms.
> My dog subsequently became very protective so when pets challenged 
> him, instead of backing off and defusing the situation, he fought 
> back. That’s not something that I want my guide to do. Fortunately, 
> Tank veers away from other dogs.
> Sometimes near-proximity with pet dogs is unavoidable, like the dogs 
> tied to the fence at Café Bernardo, or the dogs under the outside 
> tables at Burgers & Brew or de Vere’s Irish Pub. Now that a recent 
> bill was passed allowing restaurants to permit dogs on their patios, 
> we know that unpleasant surprises are in store for us at many restaurants.
> We hope that Davisites will be sensitized to this problem by reading 
> this article. Perhaps the city leash laws could be expanded to 
> disallow growling or lunging dogs to be in town. At the very least, 
> officials could patrol the park to deal with unattended dogs and to
enforce leash laws.
> We would someday like to navigate Davis as we did even a few years ago 
> wherever, whenever, without being threatened by dogs with well-meaning 
> but misguided dog owners.
> We love Davis and are always happy to meet people in town and even 
> other dogs under controlled situations. We almost always say yes when 
> children nicely ask if they can pet our dogs. Please say hi to us as 
> we can’t see you.
> For more information about state laws regarding dog attacks, see 
> www.seeingeye.org/protect.
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