[nagdu] where the dog should ride was Service Dogs on PublicTransportation was RE: Uber suedfor allegedly refusing ridesto the blindandputting a dog inthe trunk
Julie J.
julielj at neb.rr.com
Mon Sep 15 19:28:48 UTC 2014
Monty fluctuates between 80 and 85 pounds. I typically sit in the front
seat, which has more leg room. I slide the seat as far back as is possible.
I sometimes take off the harness. I let Monty choose how to position
himself so he is most comfortable. typically he will sit facing me.
If I need to sit in the back seat, I will sit on the opposite side or sit in
the middle with him behind one of the seats. If there is enough room for
me to sit without the seat in front pressing against my knees, Monty can
fit. If it's too squished for me alone, then he's not going to fit. I have
only been in perhaps three cars where it was too tight a squeeze for him
-----Original Message-----
From: Raven Tolliver via nagdu
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2014 12:14 PM
To: debby phillips ; NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide
Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] where the dog should ride was Service Dogs on
PublicTransportation was RE: Uber suedfor allegedly refusing ridesto the
blindandputting a dog inthe trunk
Not once during guide dog training did I get into an average-sized car
with my dog. We rode in vans all the time, which of course have plenty
of space on the floor for dogs. I have never been shown how to make my
dog comfortable in an average-sized car on the floor.
I find that my dog is more comfortable on the seat. On the floor in
tight spaces, he can't seem to get comfortable. He continuously
shifts, turns around, sits and lays down, sits on the floor with one
leg on the seat, sits with his hind end on the floor and his front end
on the seat, and just all kinds of weird positions. And he does the
whispered whining thing, which he only does when he is experiencing
How can I help him be more comfortable on the floor in tight spaces?
I'm speaking to those who have dogs 70 lbs and up.
On 9/15/14, debby phillips via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hi Julie, I can only speak for Seeing Eye training, and we do
> learn to get the dogs on the floor. However some back seat floor
> space is more difficult. I have had to put my feet on the seat,
> (I did take my shoes off) in order for my dog to have room, and
> for there to be a place for my feet. I also had an experience on
> the bus the other day. I generally sit toward the front so that
> Neena can ride under the seat in front of me. But this day,
> there were a bunch of people already in the front, and although
> one of the ladies made space for Neena and me, I didn't like the
> situation. I'd ridden with her before. She's an elderly lady
> who uses a walker. Last time, Neena and I had to get off the bus
> in order for her to get off without tripping over me and Neena,
> oh getting her walker tangled. So I thought that I'd just remedy
> the situation and move back a seat. Wow! It was very narrow.
> Neena did okay, but we were both happy when the seats with more
> space were available again. Peace, Debby and Neena
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