[nagdu] What a night!
Buddy Brannan
buddy at brannan.name
Fri Sep 26 13:15:08 UTC 2014
Yep. That’s a good app, and I think you can mark points on it that don’t have corresponding street addresses. Dudley, I think you paid $0.00 for it, but I got it ages ago so could be wrong.
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: 814-860-3194
Mobile: 814-431-0962
Email: buddy at brannan.name
> On Sep 26, 2014, at 8:52 AM, Dudley Hanks via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Congrats, job well done.
> Don't know if this helps, but I use an app called Ariadne GPS.
> It's like a glorified compass that allows blind users to get a bit of
> feedback about their surroundings.
> If you've marked a location as a favourite, it gives you compass headings
> for both North and your destination.
> By running your finger over the screen, you can get feedback about what's in
> front or behind your position.
> Best of all, you don't have to keep moving to keep direction info updated.
> You just rotate your device and it updates itself instantly.
> It is configurable to either give headings for both true North and your
> favourite in degrees, or true North in degrees and your fav in clock
> positions.
> It appears to be accurate to within a degree or two.
> I can't remember what I paid for it, but it wasn't much.
> Take Care,
> Dudley, with Michener
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Daryl Marie via
> nagdu
> Sent: September-26-14 6:22 AM
> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
> Subject: [nagdu] What a night!
> So for the past month I have been gearing up for a fundraiser for the blind
> sports association; we've had training sessions three times a week to get
> ready. We meet at a university campus at a building that no one seems to
> know what or where it is, my GPS has never been able to find it, and we have
> gotten there six different ways!
> My trainer works in that building, and one day last week I went with her.
> We took a rather circuitous route from the train station, but we got there
> just fine. So I figured that last night... hey! I kinda know where I'm
> going, I can get there!
> Well........ not really.
> Jenny and I did just fine leaving the train station, wen down the ramp, past
> the station itself, up a flight of stairs...
> I don't know how we did it, but we took a wrong turn somewhere and wound up
> at a theatre; it's not that far from the university as far as I know, but
> you have to cut through somewhere along the way, and I had NO idea what that
> was. I whipped out my phone, plugged the building address into the GPS, and
> figured "OK, now I am good!"
> This whole time, Jenny had been super calm and super focused; usually in
> unfamiliar surroundings, or if she is very confused, she will walk very
> quickly, not listen to commands, or display other anxious behavior... but
> not last night! We walked.... and walked... and walked! Past the theatre,
> through the endless parcade, and several blocks before we could turn and get
> out of there. She found me the light post without sniffing the bottom, and
> we crossed happily. We walked again, down a busy street, and crossed it
> when we got to the university complex... Jenny took me to a building, then
> when it wasn't the one we wanted, she took me to a green space where she put
> up her front paws and looked up at me; I took off her harness, she relieved,
> then back on the harness she went!
> But we were still lost!
> Finally I came across a group of students and asked for directions. Two of
> them were willing to walk with me, so we kept on walking! By this time Jenny
> was starting to pant and was quite obviously getting tired; but she kept her
> cool! We cut through the student union building, she listened to every
> single command I gave her, and made it through and entire food court with
> tons of students and no problems!
> We finally made it to the building, right on time, and met up with my group
> and my husband. Jenny was so excited to see everyone! But she sat and
> waited for me to take off her harness so she could say hi to my husband. I
> let her have a big drink of water, and then let her get out some of that
> excess energy by running around the group saying hi to everyone. She ran
> around and did what we call idiot circles all around the group, but came
> back and sat calmly and stayed with my husband while I ran.
> This whole thing took over 45 minutes... but I couldn't be happier. It has
> proven something to me about myself and my dog...
> we can get lost, but we are a team... and we can make it together
> Daryl and Jenny (who got a well-deserved snuggle last night, and actually
> fell asleep in the front seat of the car)
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