[nagdu] Heavy traffic.

Vivianna irishana at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 17:06:55 UTC 2015

Hi All.
if this was my dog, first of all, i would use rescue remedy whenever i am going out and will have to walk in heavy traffic.  then, i would carry the leash in my right hand and, when i hear a big truck coming, i would start talking to my dog;  her comes a truck.  it’s no big deal, it’s just a truck.  a nice loud truck.  blah blah blah.  you can use gentle pressure on the leash to keep him from veering away.
i would not stop, however,  since stopping is the behavior that you do not want, keep going.
i would be calling the school as well.  after all, you did specifically ask for a dog that can work well in this sort of situation.

and, remember, you can use the rescue remedy on yourself as well.  probably not a bad idea as, i am sure you are becoming stressed over the whole situation.  i sure would be.  

> On Apr 13, 2015, at 11:15 AM, Danielle Sykora via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> My dog has never had any problem with traffic so I can't say I have
> experienced this myself. These tecniques are ones I have used with my
> dog on his only fear issue, potentially aggressive dogs, that might be
> helpful.
> If you use food rewards, you could try giving Mambo a treat when a
> large vehicle passes by and he remains calm. You could start when the
> vehicle is farther away and gradually decrease the distance at which
> you reward for calmness. You could apply the same with praise, giving
> praise as soon as you hear a large vehicle and continuing until it has
> passed. If it is possible, you could ask your dog to perform a task he
> particularly enjoys in the presence of these vehicle. For example, my
> dog loves the touch command for some reason so I will ask him to
> "touch" when he seems to be distracted or stressed.
> Just some thoughts
> Danielle and Thai
> On 4/13/15, Marianne Denning via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> When you hear or see a big vehicle coming stop and work to calm him.
>> Then give him a treat and praise and continue on your way.
>> On 4/13/15, Deanna Lewis via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>> Good morning all,
>>> I have been home just over a week with my new dog, Mambo. He is doing
>>> well
>>> so far, but we are having a slight issue. As many of you know, I had to
>>> retire my previous guide early, due to fear and anxiety issues. The thing
>>> that really increased his fears was travelling on the busy street that we
>>> live on. So, I specifically requested a dog that is good with heavy
>>> traffic
>>> and loud noises. During training, Mambo  and I did a lot of work in heavy
>>> traffic areas with buses and trucks travelling by. The streets we worked
>>> on
>>> during class were very similar to our home environment, there was no
>>> grass
>>> between the sidewalks and the street. The only difference that there may
>>> have been, was that the sidewalks here are a bit more narrow. He did well
>>> with traffic during class, but now that we have been home I've noticed
>>> he's
>>> acting a bit timid with the traffic.
>>> When a bus or truck goes by, he will either slow down or stop. At times,
>>> he
>>> has even pulled away from the traffic and veered into driveways. He seems
>>> fine when cars go by, it's just the bigger vehicles that make him act
>>> like
>>> this. I should also say that the traffic is on our right and coming
>>> towards
>>> us, not from behind.
>>> I know you may be wondering if I am anxious about the traffic because of
>>> Pascal's issues, and maybe Mambo is reacting to that. But, I really don't
>>> think that is it. I've been working very hard to not pass my previous
>>> fears
>>> onto the new dog. Months ago, I did notice that when travelling with my
>>> cane, I did get nervous at this difficult intersection, even without a
>>> dog.
>>> But, I have not been feeling stressed or anxious while walking down this
>>> street in a long time.
>>> Another unusual thing about this is that Mambo tends to walk in the
>>> middle
>>> of the sidewalk, he does not hug the left side (which would be furthest
>>> from
>>> the street). So, I am not sure if the traffic is really bothering him or
>>> not.
>>> If this continues, I will definitely call my field rep and ask that he
>>> come
>>> visit me or give me some advice.
>>> Do you all know any techniques or tricks that I can try to get him more
>>> used
>>> to the buses and trucks that frequently pass by?
>>> I thought about doing obedience exercises on the sidewalk, next to the
>>> street. Any other ideas?
>>> What should I do when he slows down or stops? I have been telling him to
>>> hopp up if he starts to veer into driveways.
>>> Thank you all so much!
>>> Deanna and Mambo
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>> Marianne Denning, TVI, MA
>> Teacher of students who are blind or visually impaired
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