[nagdu] dog food dilemma

Rebecca Ilniski rilniski at icloud.com
Thu Apr 23 10:02:11 UTC 2015

Hi all.  I am interested in any suggestions you all may have on this 
dilemma.  Here goes. Last week our apartment manager informed us all 
that the rental office would no longer be taking packages which means 
that if you had anything shipped you would either have to pick it up at 
the post office or make arrangements for someone else to receive your 
packages.  I had been feeding  Taste of the Wild sierra mountain with 
dry roasted lamb.  I went to Petco to find a grain free food which is 
nature's recipe with salmon and sweet potato.  Zeb's stools are a little 
soft since Monday when I started the switch.  Does anyone kknow of a 
good grain free food that is sold at either Petsmart or Petco? If 
there's a good lanb based food that would be helpful.  I can also try to 
hang in there to see if his stool will firm up a little more.  Any 

Rebecca and Zeb
personal email: rilniski at gmail.com
facebook: www.facebook.com/rebeccai5
twitter: zebs_mom

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