[nagdu] Six years ago...

Deanna Lewis DLewis at clovernook.org
Thu Apr 30 12:55:11 UTC 2015

On this day, six years ago, I was matched with my first Guide Dog at Guide Dogs for the Blind's California campus. Getting Pascal greatly increased my independence and opened many doors for me (even though I could never train him to physically open those doors /smiles/).
Back in 2009, you arrived on campus on a Monday, and received your new Guide Dogs on Thursday afternoon. Ironically, today is a Thursday as well. When I returned to GDB a month ago, we arrived on Sunday and got our dogs on Monday afternoon. I am not sure how I survived those first few days of suspense and waiting to receive Mr. Pascal. I'm glad they've changed it up now!
If I had to use one word to describe Pascal it would be "stubborn". He is always set in his ways and you can't really change him! It must be that Virgo in him /smiles/. He always loves to go places, see old friends, and meet new people!
Pascal worked as a guide for just under six years. He was my first guide dog, a big black lab, weighing 75 lbs. and standing 24 inches at the shoulders. I'm sure he weighs a bit more now that he's retired... He will always be My Big Black Man. When you are around him you have to spell words out, like F O O D and T R E A T. And you couldn't ask anyone if they were hungry, because Pascal would get so excited. He also knew when someone was outside our building to pick us up. If the phone rang and I said something as simple as, "OK", he would jump up (even if he was in a deep sleep) and stand by the door, thinking we were heading out to meet our friend. He could always find my blind friends in crowded places, taking me directly to them. He loved Conventions and meeting new people and dogs. He is a flirt, and has many girlfriends all over the country!
Pascal is now retired and has moved into the Old Folk's Home (with my Mom and Stepdad). He doesn't seem to miss being a guide dog much, and doesn't get too jealous of Mambo. But, he still loves to go on car rides and to see people. He loves to play with the two boys who live next door to my Mom. The other night, his newest playmate, Mambo got to come over for a slumber party!
If I wrote down all the wonderful things about Pascal, it would take up a whole series of books! LOL. So, I think I will leave it at this...
Happy six year anniversary to my wonderful Big Black Man! Love you Pascal!

Deanna, Mambo, and the happily retired, Pascal

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