[nagdu] Shulamith has recovered from her injury

Mardi Hadfield wolfsinger.lakota at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 08:13:53 UTC 2015

Hi Jennifer,Mardi here. I live in Tucson Arizona,where Valley Fever is very
prevalent. Both People and dogs and some times cats and horses can get it.
Shulamith is OK now. There is no sign of any limp at all. She has finally
gotten the down command more consistent now. We went to Petsmart yesterday
and I did not use the Halti. I should have used it but I wanted to see how
she did without it. For the most part she was good,but she did pull some. A
dog barked at her and she barked back. I had a time getting her to stop
barking.I hope the barking is not going to be a problem. When I first got
her she was very quiet. If Shaman barked at something,she would look to see
what he was barking at but she did not bark.One day she found her bark.Now
she barks more than Shaman ever did.She will stop her barking but it takes
several times of telling her to stop,and then she sometimes starts barking
again.Any way, we also went to the grocery store.She was very good there. I
did use the Halti this time. At first,she had a wandering nose but a quick
verbal correction and she stopped sniffing things.She walked on a loose
leash and remembered her manners. I think her training is coming along
well.   Mardi and Shaman,retired and Neechee,and Shulamith,GDIT.


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