[nagdu] "She's fine"
melissa R green
graduate56 at juno.com
Sun Aug 30 23:04:08 UTC 2015
First, the vet wasn't supposed
to give this lady any
information without your
permission. That was not the
right thing to do.
I can see why the lady became
offended though. Sometimes I
think that we let our emotions
get the better of us and cause
hurt feelings. She probably
didn't think that she had done
anything wrong aand was trying
to help.
Melissa R. Green and Pj
It is 'where we are' that
should make all the
difference, whether we believe
we belong there or not.
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu
[mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.o
rg] On Behalf Of Elizabeth
Campbell via nagdu
Sent: Saturday, August 29,
2015 10:01 AM
To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the
National Association of Guide
Dog Users'
Cc: Elizabeth Campbell
Subject: Re: [nagdu] "She's
Hi everyone,
I can definitely relate to
this thread.
Unfortunately, people can also
interfere with retired guides
as I had the
unpleasant opportunity to
discover earlier this week.
A neighbor who is retired
volunteered to check on Gabe
during the day while
I'm at work which is very
generous of her. We also use
the same
veterinarian, and I was really
taken aback when she took it
upon herself to
contact his office to ask
about places where Gabe can
get rehabilitation
after he suffered his stroke
I couldn't believe that one of
the doctors gave her the name
and number of a
veterinarian who also does
physical therapy with dogs.
She even provided
information on some simple
things to do with Gabe at home
to help him gain
back some of his strength in
his back legs.
When my neighbor told me about
what she had done, I explained
that I already
planned to talk about Gabe's
ongoing treatment at his next
appointment and
that I did not appreciate her
making calls on Gabe's behalf.
She was
extremely offended and said
that she was trying to be
helpful and that
others would have thanked her
for what she had done.
I also contacted my vet's
office and told the
receptionist that no one is to
provide information about Gabe
to anyone unless there is an
emergency. I am
also going to have the same
conversation with my vet
during the appointment.
My point here is that people
think they are well-meaning
when in fact, they
are overstepping boundaries
and not respecting us as human
beings who are
capable of making our own
Sorry to vent, but I just had
to weigh in on this topic.
Best to all.
Liz and retired Seeing Eye dog
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu
[mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.o
rg] On Behalf Of Kaye Kipp via
Sent: Saturday, August 29,
2015 9:18 AM
To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the
National Association of Guide
Dog Users'
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Kaye Kipp
<kkipp123 at gmail.com>
Subject: [nagdu] "She's fine"
One of my pet peeves is people
saying, "Oh, she's fine." I
might be just
checking to see what my dog is
doing and someone will say,
"Oh, she's fine."
Last Sunday I was out for
brunch with some people from
church and Liberty
was under the table, but she
was lying on the feet of the
person across from
me, I wanted her close to me
so I could tell what was going
on, to make
sure someone wasn't sneaking
her a goody or too. Two
people jumped all over
my case and said, "She's
fine." One lady even told me
to leave her alone.
How do people get off telling
me to leave my dog alone?
Excuse me!
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