[nagdu] Dogs Stealing Cat Food
minh ha
minh.ha927 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 07:07:28 UTC 2015
I have two cats at home and when I first came home with Viva, one of
the first exercises we worked on was leaving the cat food and litter
box alone. I would take her on a leash pass both of those items, tell
her to leave it and give her a high value food reward. Viva has really
amazing house behaviors anyway that she doesn't get into things she's
not supposed to, but by positively reinforcing not bothering the cat
food and litter box, I haven't had to worry about her getting sick or
stealing their food. The idea of teaching them not to go into a
particular area like the kitchen is a good one as well.
On 1/26/15, Brandy Pinder via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have had seven dogs and never had to put the cat food up. One of the first
> tours of the house is to show the dof the food and say, leave it. You could
> really turn this into a training exercise with the clicker saying leave it
> to the cat food and offering a higher reward treat. I have never had to
> though. Since I would have the dog on the leash I would just say good leave
> it every time we past it, or correct if necessary. Most dogs have had free
> run of the house and I even leave the cat food down at night and its fine. I
> know this because food is still in the bowl. Our dogs love learning things
> and I don't think it's fair to assume they can't resist this urge. Of course
> if it weighs on your dogs nerves then ok. As for litter pinta hasn't
> discovered the joy of cat presents. Noel who was perfect in every other way
> always ate cat pool. Even with the dome box so we had to block it. I will
> warn you all though my cat started peeing every where. When I described how
> the box was blocked he said this is why. Cats need to see outside while
> doing their business. Sure enough we moved the box out in the open and
> problem solved and as I said luckily pinta doesn't go in there.
> His there a room the dog isn't allowed in? I never allow my dogs in the
> kitchen so if worse came to worse the cat food could go there
> brandy pinder
> Alumni Council - second vice Chairman
> Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc®
> and America's VetDogs®, The Veteran's K-9 Corps Inc®
> Providing "Second uSight"® since 1946
> 371 E. Jericho Turnpike smith town ny 11766
> Cso: 866-282-8047
> Email: brandydp at verizon.net
> Cell: 304-685-4499
>> On Jan 25, 2015, at 6:06 PM, Debby Phillips via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> wrote:
>> We have our cat box which has a dome on it facing the wall with the
>> opening so that it is just big enough for the cat to get in. It makes it
>> almost impossible for the dog to get into. Our cat uses his just fine. if
>> the cat sleeps on the tale it can eat there too.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 25, 2015, at 9:25 AM, Chaim B. Segal via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> Chaim Segal here. For those of you getting a cross post, go ahead and
>>> delete.
>>> Throughout nearly the entire time I have been a guide dog user, I have
>>> been having a problem which I know is not unique. If this subject was
>>> ever discussed on Buddy-l, I forgot about solutions which were offered.
>>> As it stands now, my wife and I have a pet cat, which we have had since
>>> she was a kitten. Since we were forced to move in with my mother, until a
>>> few months back we had an older cat which more-or-less adopted us. Sadly,
>>> the latter passed on due to old age and health problems
>>> Anyway, as it stands now, since I was trained with my current guide
>>> Yahtzee, I have literally almost never been able to allow him to have the
>>> run of the house. Even if I can solve the problem with the cat food, I'm
>>> still unsure I can do it, because he gets into the most unexpected
>>> things. I'm a little worried about this, because I'm not sure it's so
>>> healthy for him (bonding-wise) to always be attached to me. There are
>>> times when I have to leave him on the bed chain, and I'm noticing that as
>>> of late, he may be beginning to have some separation anxiety. I must
>>> confess, our house is a little messier than it should be, due to some
>>> confusion involving my elderly mother who just moved into senior care a
>>> few days ago. More about that subject later on the Eye list for those who
>>> are following that thread. There is a chance that my wife and I will be
>>> able sffstay put where we are, but that's a subject for another message.
>>> Anyway, I am finding that even with Yahtzee on leash, and to an extent,
>>> Keeper, pggthe retired guide), trying to find a place to keep our cat's
>>> food is a problem. Right now, we have the cat's bowl on the floor
>>> upstairs. I may have an old, rickety, unstable splintering typing table
>>> around, which I have considered putting the cat food on once I can get
>>> rid of some excess stuff we don't need around here. The problem is, it
>>> seems that our cat resents having to climb up anywhere to eat her own
>>> food. She loves to jump on the table and even sleep there some nights, so
>>> go figure. I have thought about investing in one of those cat condos they
>>> have at the pet store, and keeping the food in there. However, in seeing
>>> their shape, I'm unsure the cat can fit comfortably in there in order to
>>> eat.
>>> I also am having a problem with the cat's litter as well. Both Yahtzee,
>>> and to an extent Keeper, like to stick their heads in there when our
>>> attention is diverted, and I will let you all figure out the rest. I am
>>> considering moving the kitty litter to our second bathroom upstairs, but
>>> in order for the cat to get in to it, that means leaving the bathroom
>>> boor open. So , if the dogs are loose, what are we accomplishing. Until
>>> recently, our cats had a covered litter box, which our cat was tolerant
>>> of. However, I noticed that Yahtzee still liked to push the cover off and
>>> put his devilish snout in there anyway. Someone once suggested putting a
>>> baby gate on the second bathroom of our previous place. I think we tried
>>> it, but I was unsure the correct way to put up the gate and it kept
>>> falling down. Also, would I have to worry about the cat getting lazy
>>> about using her litter if she has an extra step to using it?
>>> So, knowing that some of you on here have cats and your guides living
>>> together, how have you solved this issue?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Chaim
>>> Chaim B. Segal
>>> Customer Service Representative
>>> Sinclair Community College
>>> E-mail: chaimsegal at sbcglobal.net
>>> Every man, woman, every boy and girl,
>>> Let your love light shine, make a better world.
>>> [Daryl Hall & John Oates
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