[nagdu] Retirement and ownership
Dan Weiner
dcwein at dcwein.cnc.net
Sat Jul 11 21:16:00 UTC 2015
Guys, I try not to criticize people doing things differenttly in other
countries as a point of honor, but I have to say that sounds to me like a
pretty stupid and condescending rule.
Sorry you have to deal with that stuff.
Warmest regards,
Dan w. from Florida
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Leye-Shprintse
Öberg via nagdu
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2015 5:07 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Cc: Leye-Shprintse Öberg
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Retirement and ownership
In Sweden, your status count. Since I'm single, I'll not be allowed to keep
my guide dog Hera when she retires and get a new guide dog from the Swedish
Association of the Visually Impaired, I ain't even allowed to have a pet
dog. My friend who are married to a man who're not a guide dog handler will
be allowed to keep her guide dog when she retires since her husband can take
care of her old guide dog, she is also allowed to have pet dogs because she
has members in her household who're not handlers themselves. If you and your
partner/spouse are guide dog handlers the same rules apply as for a single.
Fair? Not! This is one of the reasons why I don't support the system we've
here and why my next guide dog will not be an 'SRF's dog'. I'll not support
people who think I'm incompetent.
Mlle Leye-Shprintse Öberg
Stockholm, Suède
leyeshprintse at ymail.com
Envoyé de mon iPad
> Le 11 juil. 2015 à 17:36, Star Gazer via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> a écrit
> By single do you mean unmarried? The answer is yes.
> Now I'm wondering, what happens in Sweden? Does marital status factor in
and why?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
> Leye-Shprintse Öberg via nagdu
> Sent: Friday, July 10, 2015 2:45 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Cc: Leye-Shprintse Öberg
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Retirement and ownership
> BS'D
> Do the guide dog schools in the U.S. allow single customers to keep
> their retired guide dogs as pet dogs and still let them get new guide
> dogs from the schools? (I hope the question is clear enough?)
> LeSholom,
> Mlle Leye-Shprintse Öberg
> Stockholm, Suède
> leyeshprintse at ymail.com
> http://www.leyeshprintse.com
> Envoyé de mon iPad
>> Le 10 juil. 2015 à 20:26, Raven Tolliver via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> a
écrit :
>> Hi Gerardo,
>> Leader Dog does not grant ownership to clients upon graduation. I
>> believe ownership is granted after successfully working the dog for 1
>> or 2 years. There are Leader Dog grads on this list who will have
>> more accurate and detailed info on that.
>> Most guide dog schools allow the grads to have choice of where their
>> guide dog stays after retirement. People have a choice of keeping
>> their dog as a pet, re-homing their dog with a trusted friend or
>> relative, or returning the dog to the school to be adopted by a
>> family on a waiting list for a retired guide dog. So even if the
>> client doesn't gain ownership of the dog from the school, the schools
>> generally will let clients keep their dogs as pets unless the client
>> cannot. It is up to the client to retire the dog and contact the
>> school upon retirement. And clients must return their harness and
>> collar to the school. That is what I have been told by multiple guide
>> dog schools. This isn't applicable to all of them, just most. Maybe
>> others have had different experiences and will share.
>> Hth. And be sure to create a new topic when you have questions. When
>> you ask a question that is unrelated to a thread, people will likely
>> miss your question and will not address it.
>> --
>> Raven
>> Founder of 1AM Editing & Research
>> www.1am-editing.com
>> You are valuable because of your potential, not because of what you
>> have or what you do.
>> Naturally-reared guide dogs
>> https://groups.google.com/d/forum/nrguidedogs
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