[nagdu] City Hall experience.
Tami Jarvis
tami at poodlemutt.com
Tue Jul 28 15:33:47 UTC 2015
There's a new myth about how service dogs are issued special tags, a
corruption of the fee waiver for regular licenses and tags for service
dogs. So another annoyance for real service dog users as a result of
those inaccurate articles about "fake service dogs." I've read more
accurate articles on the subject lately, so maybe there's a trend of
clarifying instead of complaining about how confusing it all is while
adding to the confusion? No, my dog isn't a registered service dog. No,
I don't have paperwork (I picture myself with a big briefcase). No,
there are no special tags. Etc. It's not confusing. I have a disability,
my dog is trained to do work to help me out with that, get over it. /lol/
I agree that contacting someone to clear up that employee's ignorance is
a good idea.
On 07/28/2015 07:04 AM, Dan Weiner via nagdu wrote:
> Oh, these guys just make it up as they go along. Or his boss could have told
> him something and hthe boos doesn't know anything either.
> It's always like that, and the ones who don't know what they're talking
> about are the ones who give you the most trouble.
> You should definitely call and talk to someone about this.
> Dan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Deanna Lewis via
> nagdu
> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 9:57 AM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog
> Users(nagdu at nfbnet.org)
> Cc: Deanna Lewis
> Subject: [nagdu] City Hall experience.
> Hi,
> I had an interesting experience yesterday at City Hall in downtown
> Cincinnati. I was down there participating in our 25th Anniversary ADA event
> and walk. Before the walk started, I went into City Hall to use the
> bathroom. I have been inside there several times before. There was a
> security officer by the front door, and I asked him if it was alright to use
> the bathroom.
> He asked, "Is that a service dog?"
> Me, "Yes, he is a guide dog" and I pointed to his harness, which has Guide
> Dogs for the Blind written all over it.
> He said, "I need to see his tags,"
> What tags??? I have never been asked that before. I had the feeling that he
> meant he wanted to see his ID. I don't typically carry his GDB ID card on
> me, since they legally can't ask for that. So, the only tags I could think
> of were his name tag, microchip tag, and GDB tag on his collar. So, I showed
> him his collar with the tags. That seemed to satisfy him and we went ahead
> and headed through the building.
> I just found this whole experience as bizarre and irritating. I mean, of all
> places, City Hall should know the service dog laws! LOL Funny that this
> occurred just before the ADA celebration. We still have a very long road
> ahead of us.
> I'm wondering if I should call down to City Hall and speak to the guard's
> supervisor?
> Deanna and Mambo
> --
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