[nagdu] follow Command

Danielle Burton danielleburton94 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 12:28:13 UTC 2015

Debby, I would but my Mom will not speak up. My own Mom despite constantly remindst her does not gve enough information. And honestly that's most situations for me. Any background noise whatsoever and I can't hear. I would be heeling her a lot otherwise. When I'm in school and living on my campus it's a different story. I know the area well. i also have friends who absolutely cannot give directions. When we go to convention I cannot hear someone if they are even 2 feet away. This means I can't always give hg additional direcnames but when I can hear that's what I do but even then she really doesn't always get the concept I don't think. She follows when I can hear not when I can't. Even if it's someone familiar.  

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> On Jun 10, 2015, at 12:10 AM, Debby Phillips <semisweetdebby at gmail.com> wrote:
> One thing that I learned while in class, which was new is to actually say Nova, follow forward, or follow right, or follow left.  That seems to help.  It isn't something that I do tons of, following.  They don't really guide when following, because they tend to just start looking at the person they're following, which is why giving them commands is important.  Then they still focus on you, and not just the person they're following.    Peace,    Debby and Nova

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