[nagdu] Checking out a new vet
Tracy Carcione
carcione at access.net
Mon Jun 15 17:04:15 UTC 2015
Krokus has a sebacious cyst on his neck, and I've decided I want it
removed, mainly so I don't have to worry about it bursting or becoming
malignant at some time in the future. The new vet has already seen it, so
getting an appointment to have it removed is quicker than going to the old
I asked the new vet all about the surgery, anesthesia and post-surgical
monitoring, and everything sounds like it will be done the way I want, so
I've made an appointment for the surgery with the new vet. She also
explained things in a calm and friendly way, so I feel more at ease than I
did. And Krokus will be away from me a couple hours less than he would
otherwise, which is good.
> Do you have to decide now? Why not do
> nothing and the next time your dog needs to see a vet, pick one and see
> how
> you feel?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Tracy Carcione
> via nagdu
> Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:12 AM
> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
> Cc: Tracy Carcione
> Subject: [nagdu] Checking out a new vet
> There's a new vet in my town. It's much closer than the vet I've been
> using. My old vet is OK, but it takes about 20 minutes, and $30, to get
> there, and the same back. The new vet is only about 10 minutes or less,
> and
> less taxi fare.
> I've been to the new vet once. It was OK, except for Krokus's antics, and
> an uncommunicative vet tech. The vet seemed to know what she was doing,
> and
> treated Krokus kindly. She was a bit gruff, but explained what I wanted to
> know.
> I'm trying to decide if I should switch vets. I'm not sure what objective
> measures I can use to help me decide. I've looked at their website,
> looking
> for accreditation info, but it's pretty sparse. But they are a vet, not a
> web design outfit. And, since they're new, I don't know anyone who uses
> them
> yet. My friends in town like the vet I'm using now, more than I do. That
> vet is a much bigger operation. Slick and professional, but everything
> takes longer.
> I want the best care for my boy, and I'm happy to pay for the best, too.
> It's just how to decide what's best that confuses me.
> Tracy
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