[nagdu] Therapy dog

Julie J. julielj at neb.rr.com
Sun Jun 28 22:29:55 UTC 2015

To me, if someone said that something wasn't safe for my guide dog or my dog 
would be confused, it is the same as saying the thing isn't safe for me or 
that it would be confusing for me.  I am an adult and I am the one who is 
responsible for making the decisions about my dog.  Circumventing me in that 
decision making process is not okay and is discrimination in my book. It is 
removing the decision from me, no different than if a store told me  I 
couldn't come in because there are displays in the aisle and it isn't safe 
for a blind person or all their merchandise is visual and would be confusing 
to me.  It is my choice, not anyone else's.

Certainly working as both a guide and a therapy dog might be confusing and 
problematic for some dogs.  I don't think Jetta could do it.  She's way too 
social and lacks enough  self discipline to be able to restrain herself 
appropriately.  My other dog, Monty, could do it though, especially a 
reading program that wouldn't require a ton of interaction on his part.    I 
know these things, but there's no way someone who only casually knows my 
dogs would have a clue.

To me it feels a lot like the allergy card, the one that gets pulled out 
when they don't want you or your dog, but are too chicken to say it 
outright.  In the case of a therapy dog situation, the allergy excuse isn't 
going to work, so the confusing card gets pulled out.  Of course I don't 
know these people, the dog in question, the handler, the kids or anything 
really.  This is all entirely my opinion and is offered as food for thought.


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